Coping with Board and IT entrance exams together

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Coping with Board and IT entrance exams together

A proper curriculum can reduce the work pressure/perform­ance pressure of a student & get him a very high score in CBSE & high/respectable rank in IIT-JEE/AIEEE etc. Content of the subject of CBSE BOARD & IIT-JEE Syllabus is same. The difference is only in the pat­tern of questions.

While CBSE Board/School Exams have their questions based upon:

  • Definitions/Basic principles/ Laws.
  • Logical questions based upon the basic principles & requiring high analytical ablity.
  • Direct numericals based upon the basic principles.
  • Classical derivations.
  • Applications based dedica­tions

IIT-JEE/AIEEE Exams have their questions based upon:

  • Objective question based upon the basic principles/fundamental as laws/definitions.
  • Objective numericals based upon the basic principles/ fundamentals laws/defini­tions.
  • Indirect objective questions based upon multiple con­cepts & applications involv­ing high thinking capacity & analytical ability.
  • Objective question based upon the steps of classical derivations.
  • Objective question based upon the steps of applica­tions based derivations

The proper methodology to deal with the difference in the pattern of questions is:

  • As we say “Necessity is the Mother Of Invention”, discussion of the development of the subject matter through the daily life problems is required so the law/defini­tions appears to be necessi­ty to summarize it.
  • Coverage of Basic princi­ples/ Definitions & Fundamental Laws.
  • Logical applications of the Basic principles in day-to-day life to generate high thinking capacity.
  • Effect of change in vari­ables/conditions on the usual results predicted by the basic principles/laws.
  • Extension of the definitions (a) to generate classical der­ivations (b)to generate logi­cal/applications based derivations.
  • The coverage of complicated applications based upon multiple concepts requiring high analytical ability.
  • We say “The problems in the Board Exams or in IIT-JEE/AIEEE reflect the beau­ty of the subject”. Exposure to such problems makes you see the beauty of the subject using the capacity/informa­tion generated through earli­er steps.
  • The test & discussion.
  • Remedial Classes.

By J.B Gupta, An IIT-BHU Alumni
HOD Physics & MD of Disha Classes.