/* Program Title : PayRole Mangement Software Programmer : Navi Arora E-Mail : naviarora@ymail.com Website : http://cbse-sample-papers.blogspot.com There is some personal infomation in the introduction and end. Please remove them before use. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct roll { char na[20],des[20]; int co; float sal,tax,hra,gr,da,np; }oll; fstream pay; char c; int l; char choice; void dev() { clrscr(); for(int x=50;x>=20;x--) { textcolor(WHITE+LIGHTGRAY); delay(160); gotoxy(x,12); cputs(" P R O J E C T "); gotoxy(x,14); cputs(" D E V E L O P E D B Y : "); gotoxy(x,16); cputs("Navi Arora"); } gotoxy(x,24); cputs("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); } void main() { clrscr(); dev(); int gdriver=DETECT,gmode,errorcode; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); errorcode=graphresult(); if(errorcode!=grOk) { cout<>eno; pay.open("oll.dat",ios::in); if(!pay) { cout<<"\n\nFile Not Found...\nProgram Terminated!"; exit(0); } pay.seekg(0); while(!pay.eof()) { pay.read((char*)&oll,sizeof(oll)); if(!pay.eof()) { if(oll.co==eno) { cout<<"\n*********************************************"; cout<<"\n SUSHMA ENTERPRISES "; cout<<"\n*********************************************"; cout<<"\nEMPLOYEE CODE :"<>oll.na; cout<<"\n EMPLOYEE CODE"; cin>>oll.co; cout<<"\n EMPLOYEE DESIGNATION:"; int ch; cout<<"\n1.SUBSTAFF"; cout<<"\n2.CLERK"; cout<<"\n3.MANAGER"; cout<<"\n ENTER YOUR CHOICE:(1/2/3)"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: oll.sal=1000; oll.hra=100; oll.da=oll.sal*1.10; oll.tax=2*(oll.sal)/100.0; strcpy(oll.des,"SUBSTAFF"); break; case 2: oll.sal=2000; oll.hra=200; oll.da=200; oll.tax=10*(oll.sal)/100.0; strcpy(oll.des,"CLERK"); break; case 3: oll.sal=14000; oll.hra=400; oll.da=400; oll.tax=20*(oll.sal)/100.0; strcpy(oll.des,"MANAGER"); break; default:cout<<"\n INPUT IS INVALID"; break; } oll.gr=oll.sal+oll.hra+oll.da; oll.np=oll.gr-oll.tax; pay.write((char*)&oll,sizeof(oll)); cout<<"\n TO CONTINUE ADDING DATA(Y/N):"; cin>>c; }while((c=='Y')||(c=='y')); pay.close(); break; case'4': exit(0); } } while(choice!=4); closegraph(); }