(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2018-19 : Kuchipudi

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Class XII

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2018-19 : Kuchipudi

Class XII
Subject: KUCHIPUDI Dance (CODE-058)
Sample Question Paper (2018-19

1.     Name the Samyutha Hastha Mudras (Double Hand Gestures)?

2.     Name the Head Movements & Padha Bhedas?

3.     Critically analyze and detail the knowledge of Tandava, Lasya, Lokadharmi & Natya Dharmi?

4.     Write about the life history of \Sheri Siddhendra Yogi?

5.     Mention the name of Indian Classical dances along with the states of their origin?

6.     Mention the names of SaptaTala with the shloka?

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