(Important Questions) Important Question For CBSE Class X Science Board Examination 2009-10 (Set -11)

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(Important Questions) Important Question For CBSE Class X Science Board Examination 2009-10 (Set -11)

Q. 151.Which type of nephridia will show exonephric excretion?

Q. 152. What is malphigian body?

Q. 153. Where do the collecting tubules of nephron open?

Q. 154. What is ultrafilteration of urine?

Q. 155. In which form is concentrated waste formed in desert animals and why?

Q. 156. How do birds excrete waste?

Q. 157. Which part helps amoeba in excretion?

Q. 158. State the function and location of stem cell?

Q. 159.> What is the shape of human erythrocyte?

Q. 160. In which part of the body does impure blood get purified?

Q. 161. What is chemotropism?

Q. 162. What is thigmonastic response?

Q. 163. Which type of nastic movement does sunflower show?

Q. 164. Which type of plants do not respond to photoperiodism?

Q. 165. What induces photoperiodic stimulus in plants?

Q. 166. What type of nervous system is present in invertebrates?

Q. 167. which organs protect the human brain?

Q. 168. Where is the cerebrospinal fluid present and what is its function?

Q. 169. where are the centres for visual reception, in brain?

Q. 170. What is the function of cerebellum?

Q. 171. Medulla possesses centres for ?

Q. 172. How many pairs of spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord?

Q. 173. What is reflex arc?

Q. 174. What is autonomous nervous system?

Q. 175. Give two characteristics of hormones

Q. 176. Which organ controls the functioning of pituitary gland?

Q. 177. Which hormone maintains the ionic balance in the body?

Q. 178. What is the function of oxytocin?

Q. 179. What are the functions of estrogen and progesterone?

Q. 180. Which hormone regulates the male sex organs?

Q. 181. Which hormone acts as a growth promoter in plants?

Q. 182. What is the group of cells formed in multiple fission called?

Q. 183. Name two organisms reproducing by spore formation?

Q. 184. By which method do planaria and spirogyra reproduce?

Q. 185. Name two plants showing layering mode of vegetative propogation.

Q. 186. Which plants can be rafted on the stock of citrus?

Q. 187. Q. 1. What is the portion of the plant grafted on other plant called?

Q. 188. What is the temperature in the scortum?

Q. 189. Why is the ureter known as urinogenital path in case of males?

Q. 190. Which glands secrete semen?

Q. 191. What gives rise to an ovum in female?

Q. 192. What is ovulation in females?

Q. 193. is menopause?

Q. 194. What is copulation?

Q. 195. What is the function of amniotic fluid?

Q. 196. What is the zero method of natural contraception?

Q. 197. What do oral pills for contraception contain?

Q. 198. Name the organism causing Gonorrhoea.

Q. 199. Which scientists provided and evidence that gene is a part of chromosome?

Q. 200. What are prokaryotic chromosomes composed of ?