(News) CBSE board students will never carry the 'fail' tag

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CBSE board students will never carry the 'fail' tag

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has decided to discontinue the practice of declaring ‘failed’ or ‘compartment’ (ATKT) for students of Std X. Based on the new reforms in education and the grading system, students who fail will be graded E1 and E2.

As the CBSE Std X and Std XII exams begin from Wednesday, the board has introduced several minor changes in the exam pattern. These include question papers in Braille for blind students. Avnita Bir, the principal of RN Podar School, Santa Cruz, said, “The new system of grading is being introduced from this year. If a student has very low scores he will not be failed, but be graded E1 and E2.”

Also, for the first time the board is releasing Science and Maths question papers in Braille for blind students. Already, question papers in Social Sciences and English are provided in enlarged print for the benefit of students. Bir added that students of Std IX will get half-an-hour extra from this year on for all papers. Around 9, 02, 517 students from Std X and 6, 99, 129 students from Std XII will be appearing for the board exam this year.

The CBSE’s centralised access system for students will be active throughout the exam. Students can call on the toll-free number 1800-11-7002 from any part of the country. Calls will be directed to counsellors if needed.

Source: http://www.dnaindia.com