(Download) NCERT Book For Class IX : Agriculture (Solanaceous Crop Cultivator)

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(Download) NCERT Book For Class IX : Agriculture (Solanaceous Crop Cultivator)


Table of Content

Unit 1: Introduction to Horticulture

Session 1: Horticulture and its Importance
Session 2: Branches of Horticulture and Special  Horticultural Operations
Session 3: Olericulture and its Importance in Human Nutrition

Unit 2: Seed Selection and Seedling Production

Session 1: Seed
Session 2: Nursery Bed Preparation and Seed Sowing
Session 3: Nursery Raising in Soilless Medium

Unit 3: Field Preparation and Transplanting in Solanaceous Crops

Session 1: Soil and Field Preparation
Session 2: Transplanting of Seedlings

Unit 4: Soil Nutrient Management in Vegetable Crops

Session 1: Macro and Micro-nutrients in Soil System
Session 2: Manures and Fertilisers

Unit 5: Occupational Health, Hygiene and First Aid Practices

Session 1: Prevent Hazardous Conditions at Workplace
Session 2: First Aid, Treatment and Safety Equipment

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Courtesy: ncert.nic.in

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