(Download) NCERT Book For Class IX : Beauty And Wellness (Assistant Beauty Therapist)

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 (Download) NCERT Book For Class IX : Beauty And Wellness (Assistant Beauty Therapist)


Table of Content

Unit 1: Beauty and Wellness Industry, and Beauty Therapy

Session 1: Career Opportunities in the Beauty and Wellness Sector
Session 2: Beauty Therapy Services
Session 3: Preparing and Maintaining the Work Area
Session 4: Health and Safety in the Work Area

Unit 2: Manicure, Pedicure and Mehendi

Session 1: Anatomy of the Nail, Hand and Feet
Session 2: Manicure
Session 3: Pedicure
Session 4: Henna or Mehendi

Unit 3: Hair Care

Session 1: Basics of Hair Care
Session 2: Common Hairdos

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Courtesy: ncert.nic.in

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