(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2021-22: Physical Education

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2021-22 : Physical Education

Sample Question Paper (Term-1) 2021-22

Subject Name : Physical Education

Subject Code: 048

Time Allowed: 90

Minutes Maximum Marks: 35

Q1. What is the other name for Vitamin B2?
a) Niacin
b) Thiamin
c) Folic Acid
d) Riboflavin
Q2. . What is the formula to divide an odd number of teams in the upper half for a knockout fixture?
a) N+1/2
b) N-1/2
c) N(N-1)/2
d) N(N+1)/2
Q3. Which test is developed to test fitness in senior citizens?
a) Harvard step
b) Rikli and Jones
d) Rockport
Q5. . Gliding movement occurs at which joint?
a) Knee
b) Hip
c) Wrist
d) Elbow
Q6. Consolation tournaments are a part of which type of fixture?
a) Knockout
b) league
c) combination
d) none of these
Q7. Which amongst these is not a macro mineral?
a) Calcium
b) Potassium
c) Phosphorus
d) Iodine

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