(Download) CBSE Text Books: Interact in English - Main Course Book - A Textbook for English Course (Communicative)

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Interact in English - Main Course Book - A Textbook for English Course (Communicative)


Unit 1: Health And Medicine
A. Do Indians Get Enough Sleep? 3
B. Laughter-The Best Medicine 14
C. Whopping Walter Hudson 22
D. The World Of Sports 28
E. Nature's Medicines 34

Unit 2: Education
A. My Struggle For An Education 42
B. Educating The Girl Child 52
C. Inclusive Education 58
D. Vocational Education 72

Unit 3: Science
A. Promise For The Future: Renewable Energy 88
B. Plugging Into Future 96
C. Space Travel 102
D. Letters From The Planet Aurigae II 109

Unit 4: Environment
A. Treading the Green Path- Towards Preservation 121
B: Heroes of the Environment 132
C: Let's Clean Up 144
D. A Tale of Three Villages 146
E: Geological Heritage 156

Unit 5: Travel And Tourism
A. Land of All Seasons 168
B. Eco Tourism 174
C. The Emerald Islands 177
D. Promoting Tourism 191

Unit 6: National Integration
A. Unity in Diversity 205
B. Challenges to National Integration 209
C. Spirit of Unity 226
D. Mile Sur Mera Tumhara 230

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Courtesy :  CBSE