(Download) NCERT Book For Class XI : Agriculture (Floriculturist Protected Cultivation)
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(Download) NCERT Book For Class XI : Agriculture (Floriculturist Protected Cultivation)
Unit 1: Introduction to Protected Cultivation
Session 1: Importance of Protected Cultivation
Session 2: Site Selection and Suitable Crops for Protected Cultivation
Unit 2: Types of Protected Structures and their Components
Session 1: Types of Protected Structures
Session 2: Classification of Greenhouses
Session 3: Major Components of a Greenhouse
Unit 3: Preparation of Media and Container for Commercial Cultivation in Greenhouses
Session 1: Growing Media and its Composition
Session 2: Sterilisation of Growing Media
Session 3: Preparation of Beds and Containers for Growing Crops
Unit 4: Irrigation and Fertigation in Greenhouses
Session 1: Micro Irrigation Systems and their Application
Session 2: Types of Fertilisers and their Scheduling
Unit 5: Greenhouse Operations
Session 1: Equipment for Environmental Parameter Monitoring in
Session 2: Management of Environmental Parameters in a Greenhouse
Courtesy: ncert.nic.in