(Download) NCERT Book For Class XI : Employability Skill
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(Download) NCERT Book For Class XI : Employability Skill
Unit 1: Communication Skills
Session 1: Introduction to Communication
Session 2: Verbal Communication
Session 3: Non-verbal Communication
Session 4: Pronunciation Basics
Session 5: Communication Styles — Assertiveness
Session 6: Saying No — Refusal Skills
Session 7: Writing Skills — Parts of Speech
Session 8: Writing Skills — Sentences
Session 9: Greetings and Introduction
Session 10: Talking about Self
Session 11: Asking Questions
Session 12: Talking about Family
Session 13: Describing Habits and Routines
Session 14: Asking for Directions
Unit 2: Self-management Skills
Session 1: Strength and Weakness Analysis
Session 2: Grooming
Session 3: Personal Hygiene
Session 4: Team Work
Session 5: Networking Skills
Session 6: Self-motivation
Session 7: Goal Setting
Session 8: Time Management
Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills
Session 1: Introduction to ICT
Session 2: Basic Interface of LibreOffice Writer
Session 3: Saving, Closing, Opening and Printing Document
Session 4: Formatting Text in a Word Document
Session 5: Checking Spelling and Grammar
Session 6: Inserting Lists, Tables, Pictures, and Shapes
Session 7: Header, Footer and Page Number
Session 8: Tracking Changes in LibreOffice Writer
Unit 4: Entrepreneurship Skills
Session 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Session 2: Values of an Entrepreneur
Session 3: Attitude of an Entrepreneur
Session 4: Thinking Like an Entrepreneur
Session 5: Coming Up with a Business Idea
Session 6: Understanding the Market
Session 7: Business Planning
Unit 5: Green Skills
Session 1: Sectors of Green Economy
Session 2: Policies for a Green Economy
Session 3: Stakeholders in Green Economy
Session 4: Government and Private Agencies
Courtesy: ncert.nic.in