CBSE Class-10 Exam 2016 : Marking Scheme, English Communicative

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CBSE Class-10 Exam 2016 : Marking Scheme, English Communicative

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2016 :  English Communicative (Delhi)


Note : Section A tests the candidate’s ability in reading only. Therefore, no deductions are to be made for errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation. Marks should be awarded if the answer can be clearly understood.
Objective: This section evaluates the reading and comprehension skills of the students and their ability to infer and evaluate the given information.

Objective: To identify the main points of a text
Marking: 8 marks – 1 mark for each correct answer
1.1 Sentence Completion
Answers :

a) invention of computers
b) solve mathematical problems / put thousands of unrelated facts in order
c) provide information on the best way to prevent traffic jams / used in industries / used in universities / carry out complicated work in all branches of learning (any one).
d) the process by which machines can be used to work for us
e) need detailed instructions from human beings to operate/ cannot make decisions of their own ( any one)
f) will enable people who do not share a common language to talk to each other without any difficulty / to read foreign publications (any one)
g) computers would be developed which would be small enough to carry in the pocket . / Ordinary people would be able to use these pocket computers to obtain valuable information . / Computers could be plugged in to a national network and be used like radios (any one)
h) can be informed about weather conditions / car drivers can be given alternative roads when there are traffic jams / make tiny translating machines ( any one)

Objective : To identify the main points of a text
Marking : 8 marks - 2 marks for each correct answer
2.1 Answers :

a) because of over assessment of his capabilities and competence ; jumps into situations that are beyond his control. 2
b) misadventures /endangering their chances in life / putting them at great risk of failure 2
c) by discussing the matter with other informed people with an objective mind and accepting reality, when proved wrong. 2
d) modesty makes you a realist ; you become a person who is cut down to size ; people of this kind become very cautious before taking any action. (any two) 2

2.2 Vocabulary
Marking : 4 marks - 1 mark for each correct answer
Answers :

a) i) mishap
b) iv) threatening
c) iii) evaluate
d) iv) impartial


Objective : To use the given input in a short sustained piece of writing
Marking : Content - 3 marks – (the given information in the question paper to be included)
Format - includes date, subject, addressee and closing
Format to be treated as part of the content
Expression - 2 marks (fluency and accuracy to be taken into account)

Suggested Value Points:
Problems – Road Accidents

  • thrill of speed
  • not following traffic rules
  • always in a hurry to reach the destination
  • stress leading to loss of concentration
  • drunken driving
  • distractions – mobile phone, music
  • youth – impatient
  • under age drivers
  • increase in traffic / more vehicles on the road Solutions:
  • more policemen to act as deterrents
  • stricter punishment for even a small violation of rule
  • traffic rules to be taught at schools
  • while issuing licence there should be comprehensive classes for traffic rules
  • parents to be held responsible for underage drivers
  • use of public transport / car pool

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Courtesy: CBSE