(Notification) Online Registration For AIEEE - 2009 Counseling (June 8, 2009 to June 28, 2009)

Disclaimer: This website is NOT associated with CBSE, for official website of CBSE visit - www.cbse.gov.in

Central Counselling Board – 2009

Warangal – 506 021 (Andhra Pradesh), INDIA
Phone: 0870-2462022, Fax: 0870-2462021
Email: ccb@nitw.ac.in, Website: www.ccb.nic.in

(June 8, 2009 to June 28, 2009)

During this step all the candidates who are permitted for choice filling and locking on the basis of AIEEE-2009 results are required to register ONLINE through Internet (www.ccb.nic.in) from places of their convenience.
Arrangements are made at all Participating Institutions for guidance. Candidates may seek guidance and do their registration, choice filling and Locking at these Institutions during the working hours.

The detailed procedure for online registration is described below:
1. A candidate has to open the website www.ccb.nic.in and click on “Registration”.
2. Engineering and Architecture streams will appear on the computer screen; click on the desired stream.
3. Register as a new candidate by clicking on “New candidate!! Register here” link. Read the instructions given on the screen and click on “Register”.

4. The candidate will register online by entering the following as indicated in the Admit card:
(a) Name
(b) Roll number
(c) Application number
(d) Date of Birth

This data submitted by the candidate will be verified with the AIEEE – 2009 data base of CBSE and if it matches then only the candidate will be permitted to proceed further and the candidate is required to give his own password.

The length of the password must be of EIGHT characters and must be a combination of alphabetic characters (small or capital), numeric characters and special characters. Password will be case sensitive.

Next time, the candidate can login directly with Roll number as login ID and the chosen password as Password. Whenever the candidates login, they have to LOGOUT at the end.

Candidates are advised to record/remember their password for all future Logins.
Confidentiality of the password is the sole responsibility of the candidate and all care must be taken to protect its security.
Candidates are advised not to disclose or share their password with anybody. Neither CCB nor NIC is responsible for violation or misuse of the password of the candidate.

If a candidate forgets his/her password, the additional information provided by the candidate at the time of registration will be used to get the new password. Hence, every candidate has to enter the required additional information as indicated in the registration form at the time of registration.

A candidate can change his/her password after login, if desired.

5. After login, the personal data of the candidate will automatically appear on the screen as per AIEEE-2009 data base. The candidate must verify his/her personal data. If there is any discrepancy, the candidate will be allowed only once to change his/her personal data of category, sub-category, etc. in the following ways:

  • - Category can be changed from (SC/ST/OBC) to open but vice versa is not allowed.
  • - Sub Category can be changed from SCPH to SC, STPH to ST, OBCPH to OBC and OPPH to OP, but vice versa is not allowed.
  • - State of eligibility as per the qualifying examination can be changed.
  • - Change of gender is permitted if it is wrongly mentioned.
  • - Candidates must enter their address for correspondence. Candidates may also enter their phone number, mobile number, email, etc. In case a candidate desires to get his/her provisional seat allotment result through SMS, candidate must enter mobile number.

6. The following changes are not permissible under any circumstances

  1. - Candidate’s name
  2. - Mother’s name
  3. - Father’s name
  4. - Date of birth

Candidate can take a printout of the registration form with the above personal data.
It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to verify his/her personal data, including category, subcategory, state of eligibility and gender as per documentary evidence. By changing the category, sub category, state of eligibility and gender, eligibility of the candidate may change. CCB/NIC is not responsible for any omissions in the details and its consequence thereafter.

If the personal data verified and submitted by the candidate is found to be wrong at the time of verification of certificates during remote reporting or at a later stage, the provisional allotment of seat is liable to be cancelled.

Once this personal data is verified and submitted, the candidate will not be allowed to change the personal data under any circumstances.

ONLINE CHOICE FILLING AND LOCKING : (June 08, 2009 to June 28, 2009)
During this step all the registered candidates are required to exercise their choices of their branches and institutions in their order of preference. The detailed procedure is described below:

1. The procedure for exercising choices and seeking pertinent information is guided through appropriate messages and tabs on the computer screen.

2. As per the eligibility of the candidate, available seat information relating to institutions, disciplines (Engineering / Technology and Architecture / Planning), branches (e.g., Electronics Engineering, Computer Science, etc.) will be displayed.

3. The candidate can give as many number of choices in the order of preference as he/she wishes from the list of available seats.

4. The candidates are permitted, if they so desire, to change or re-order their choices, delete earlier choices and add new choices any number of times until they lock their choices on or before June 28, 2009 by 11.55PM.

5. INDICATIVE SEAT ALLOTMENT (June 08 , 2009 to June 24, 2009)
Based on the number of registered candidates who have submitted their choices at that time, indicative seat allotment will be shown. This indicative seat allotment (Mock counselling) will facilitate the selection of the most appropriate discipline, institution and branch at the candidate’s rank, state of eligibility and in their categories for finalization of their choices for locking.

The indicative seat allotment will be done during June 08, 2009 to June 24, 2009 and will be put on the web at frequent intervals. The dates of update of indicative seat allocation will be displayed on the website during this period.
All the candidates are strongly advised to register and fill their choices during June 08, 2009 to June 24, 2009 to know the indicative seat allotment.

6. LOCKING THE CHOICES (June 08 , 2009 to June 28, 2009)
After filling the choices in the order of preference, the candidate must lock his/her choices. Without locking, the choices will not be processed for seat allotment. Hence, all the candidates MUST lock their choices on or before June 28, 2009 by 11.55PM.

However, candidates are advised to lock their choices well in advance instead of waiting till the dead line.

If a candidate fails to lock his / her choices on or before June 28, 2009 by 11.55 PM, the choices filled by the candidate will not be considered for seat allotment, and the candidate shall forego his / her right for consideration of his/her candidature for seat allotment.

After locking of the choices, the candidates can not change their choices under any circumstances.

After locking of the choices, a printable version of the choices is displayed. A print-out of these locked choices is to be preserved by the candidate for future reference.

After locking the choices, if a candidate logs in again, then the locked choices given by the candidate only will be displayed.