(Circular) CBSE: Academic Elective “Mass Media Studies” at Senior Secondary Level
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CBSE: Academic Elective “Mass Media Studies” at Senior Secondary Level
You may be aware that in pursuance of policy of expanding the choice of subjects for students, particularly in non-conventional spheres of knowledge and skills that have bright employment prospects, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has introduced Mass Media Studies an academic elective at senior secondary level from academic year 2010-11 on pilot basis in some selected schools.
The programme is in collaboration and joint certification with a reputed institute in Media industry. The Mass Media Studies, an academic elective can be offered by students as one of the four elective subjects and also as an additional elective subject at +2 stage in combination with any of the subjects that are already available in the Scheme of Studies of the Board.
Salient features of the Elective:
• Introduction to the comprehensive understanding of the five principal mass
media viz. Film, TV, Print, Radio and Internet.
• Introduction to the Evolution of Mass Media
• To understand how the content of mass media shapes our thoughts, vision,
ethics and action.
• Analysis of the ways in which content is created in media
• To understand creative and technical processes involved in filmmaking,
television production, newsprint, radio and the internet.
• Introduction to the organization of media and entertainment industries- the
financial and commercial part
• To delineate the roles and responsibilities of creative, technical and
administrative people in media
• To familiarize with the career options in media and entertainment industry.
• To analyze the vital importance of mass media in the functioning of a secular,
liberal, democracies like India.
• To understand the Convergence of mass media as the futuristic trend opening up
more and more exciting career and creative opportunities.
Infrastructure Requirements in Schools:
• Computers - an ideal ratio of 1 computer for every 5 students, with the following specifications:
PCs or iMacs (latest those purchased in 2009) with a minimum of 1GB RAM and
100 GB HDD with dual / quad core processors OR MacIntel processors (in the case
of iMacs)
Appropriate editing / sound softwares. These will be freely available softwares,
which WWI will select & recommend to the schools. These should be available at
no cost or a minimal cost, if at all.
• The computers, ideally, should be on a UPS or a backup power so as to not
damage them in case of power failures
• Handycams / Hand-held video cameras (Sony HC 96 or equivalent) with an ideal
ratio of 1:10 (1 camera for every 10 students)
• A screening room equipped with a television set or projector and speakers for
playback of video OR screening images through a computer.
Qualification for Faculty:
• An M. A. in mass communication preferably with B.Ed.
The Board would wish to extend the option to all the Senior Secondary Schools desirous to introduce this new elective from the academic session 2011-12 in classes XI-XII (Subject Code 072) from April 2011.Schools interested are requested to apply immediately for online subject affiliation and deposit affiliation fee in the form of Bank Draft as per the details given in the e-affiliation section of our website www.cbse.nic.in.
The confirmation of submission of online application along with the fee in
the form of Bank Draftdrawn in favor of The Secretary, CBSE may be sent to:
Deputy Secretary, (Affiliation), Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet
Vihar, Delhi-110092 with a copy to Mr. A H Ahmed, Assistant Education
Officer, Shiksha Sadan, 17, Institutional Area, Rouse Avenue, Delhi 110002.
E Mail: alhilal.cbse(at)nic.in. This
will facilitate the necessary approval/ sanction for Senior Secondary
Certificate Examination under All India Scheme w.e.f 2012-13 session.
The Board is going to organize a five day training programme for teachers from all the schools offering this elective in the third week of May 2011 at Mumbai. The details regarding fee and exact dates of the programme will be communicated to schools registered for this elective. For further enquiries you may revert to the undersigned at sadhanap.cbse(at)nic.in or call on telephone no. 011-23234324, 23237780 or Mr. A H Ahmed, Assistant Education Officer at aeoasedof(at)gmail.com or call on 011-23237780.
Courtesy: CBSE.NIC.IN