(Computer Science) CBSE Class XII Important Questions Computer Science (2008)

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Computer Science : CBSE Class XII Important Questions Computer Science (2008)

Q. 1. Distinguish between an object and a class.

Ans: An object is an identifiable entity with some characteristics and behaviour. A class is a group of objects that share common properties and relationships.


Q. 2. What is polymorphism? Give an example in C++ to show its implementation in C++.

Ans: Polymorphism is the property by which the same message can be processed in more than one form. This is of 2 types:

  1. Function Overloading: Same function name can be used for more than one purpose.

  2. Operator Overloading: Same operator can be used for more than one purpose


Q. 3. How does a pointer variable differ from a simple variable?

Ans: A simple variable stores a data value whereas a pointer variable stores a memory address of another variable.


Q. 4. Name the header file to be included for the use of following built-in functions:

  1. frexp( )

  2. tooupper( )

  3. getc( )

  4. strcat( )

  5. setw( )


  1. math.h

  2. ctype.h

  3. stdio.h

  4. string.h

  5. iomanip.h


Q. 5. Find the syntax errors:

# include(iostream.h)
void main( )
      int X, Y;
                  if X = = Y


File iostream.h should be in angled brackets < > i.e. #include<iostream.h>

The condition and updation segments should be separated by a semicolon(;) i.e. For(Y=0;Y<10;Y++)

The condition should be enclosed in braces as shown below: i.e. if(X= = Y)

Statement should be terminated by ; i.e. cout<<Y;


Q. 6. Will the following program execute successfully? If not, state the reason(s):

# include<isotream.h>
void main( )
            int x, sum = 0;
                        if x%2 = = 0
                                    sum += x;


            Ans: #include<iostream.h>       
                    Wrong operator with cin. It should be cin>>n;
                    In place of if x%2 = = 0, it should be if(x%2 = = 0)
                    Wrong operator with cout. It should be cout<<”SUM=”<<SUM;


Q. 7. What will be the output:

int fun(int &x, int y=10)
            if(x%y = = 0) return ++x; else return y--;
void main( )
            int p=20, q=23;
            q = fun(p,q);
            cout<<p<<” “<<q<<endl;
            p = fun(q);
            cout<<p<<” “<<q<<endl;
            q = fun(p);
            cout<<p<<” “<<q<<endl;

Ans: Output is:
            20 23
            10 23
            11 11


Q. 8. Write a function in C++ to find the sum of the following series:

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+………. upto n terms.


int sum_series(int n);
void main( )
            clrscr( );
            int t = 0, sum = 0;
            cout<<”How many terms?”;
            sum = sum_series(t);
            cout<<”\n The sum of the series 1+2+3+4+....upto”<<t<<”is”<<sum;
int sum_series(int n)
            int s = 0;
            for(int i =1;i<=n;i++)
            return s;


Q. 9. Write a C++ function SUMFUN( ) having two parameters X of type double and n of type integer with a result type as double to find the sum of the series given below:

X + X2/3!+ X3/5!+…….+ Xn/(2n-1)!
                        double SUMFUN(double X, int N)
                                    int i,j;
                                    double sum = 0; fact;
                                                fact = 1;
                                                            fact = fact * j;
                                                sum = sum + pow(x,i)/fact;
                                    return sum;


Chapter 2 – Structures

Q. 10. Find the output of the following programs:

# include<iostream.h>

struct point
      int X,Y;
void show(point p)
void main( )
      point u = {20, 10}, v, w;
      v = u;
      v.x += 20;
      w = y;
      u.y += 10;
      u.x += 5;
      w.x -= 5;
Ans: Output is:


Q .11. Rewrite the corrected code for the following program. Underline each correction.

structure club
            int mem number;
            char memname[20];
            char memtype[] = “HELLO”;
void main( )
            club p1, p2;
            cin<<”Member Number:”;
            cout<<”Member Name:”;
            p1.memtype = “WORLD”;
            p2 = p1;
            cin<<”Member Number:”<<p2.memnumber;
            cin<<”Member Name:”<<p2.memname;
cin<<”Member Number;”<<p2.memtype;


struct club
            int memnumber;
            char memname[20];
            char memtype[6];
void main( )
            club p1, p2;
            cout<<”Member Number:”;
            cout<<”Member Name:”;
            strcpy(p1.memtype ,“WORLD”);
            p2 = p1;
            cout<<”Member Number:”<<p2.memnumber;
            cout<<”Member Name:”<<p2.memname;
cout<<”Member Type:”<<p2.memtype;



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