How CBSE grading system would work?
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How CBSE grading system would work?
With Board exams being made optional from the academic year 2010-11, a new system of evaluation Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) based on grades has been approved. It comprises formative and summative assessment of the student to be done over two terms first and second during the year-long academic calendar.
Formative Assessment :
To evaluate and grade class work, homework, assignment and project work
1. There will be two evaluations each in the first and second terms
2. Each evaluation will carry 10 marks apiece
Summative Assessment
Based on the term-end examination
1 There will be one term-end exam for each term
2 The first term-end exam will carry 20 marks
3 The second term-end exam will carry 40 marks
Students of class IX and X will be evaluated on a 9-point grading system.
Each grade, given on the basis of both formative and summative assessments, will
correspond to a range of marks as indicated below:
- A1 95 and above
- A2 90 to 94
- A3 85 to 89
- B1 80 to 84
- B2 70 to 79
- C1 60 to 69
- C2 50 to 59
- C3 33 to 49
- D Less than 33
(i) Assessment of theory/practical papers in external
subjects shall be in numerical scores.In addition to numerical scores, the Board
shall indicate grades in the marks sheets issued to the candidates in case of
subjects of external examinations. In case of internal assessment subjects, only
grades shall be shown.
(ii) Subjects of internal examination in Class X the assessment shall
be made on a five point scale I.e. A,B,C,D & E.
(iii) The grades shall be derived from scores in case of subjects of
external examination. In case of subjects of internal assessment, they shall be
awarded by the schools.
(iv) The qualifying marks in each subject of external examination shall
be 33% . However at Senior School Certificate Examination,in a subject involving
practical work, a candidate must obtain 33% marks in the theory and 33% marks in
the practical separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate, in order to
qualify in that subject.
(a) In case of a tie, all the students getting the same
score, will get the same grade. If the number of students at a score point need
to be divided into two segments, the smaller segment will go with the larger.
(b) Method of grading will be used in subjects where the number of
candidates who have passed is more than 500.
(c) In respect of subjects where total number of candidates passing in
a subject is less than 500, the grading would be adopted on the pattern of
grading and distribution in other similar subjects.
Reactions @ "CBSE New Grading System 2010":
1. What background differences in scorng a 99%? its a very
bad idea!!!
2. the move made by the CBSE board to reduce pressure on children will actually prove to be hazardous in the long run as this will end all competition spirit in the children and soon it will become visible in the developmental status of the country as it will start going down and down........we today's generation will be the ultimate sufferers of tomorrow .! that's Disgusting 3. if you say that grading system is not good for class 12 then you are wrong b'coz it actually ensures overall development of a child. 4. It is very for students, if it is a grading system. then it is very bad for us. then how will we compare our percentage? 5. I.Q. among the students getting 95% or above should not be differentiated. One or other due to having good at in either subject make a little difference in %.Hence to select the first,second or third or any only % of concerned subjects likewise in non-medical Math's., Phys. and Chem. in order should be considered. 6. what is this? the grading system? it is too terrible....if the schools are going to follow grading system then what is the use of writing exams? why board exams & all that? there is going to be no competition no nothing.....all boring...students will now not study much cause even if he/she gets 100 then the grade will be 'A' & even if she/he gets 91 the grade is going to be 'A'.....this move is horrible.! 7. I don't know what would happen to the 'toopers' ;after the result. the grading system is fully against the toopers marking is very 8. we can not differentiate b/w a topper and the student just below who have got the marks 9. what is that? grading system! terrible! 10. yes i agree wid u, it is horrible it will destroy the level of studies.............. |