(Guess Papers) Guess Paper For CBSE Class XII Business Studies (2009-10) Set - 3

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GUESS PAPER For 2009-10
TIME 3HRS Max. Marks. - 100

General Instructions
1. Answers to questions carrying 1 mark may be from one word to one sentence.
2. Answer to questions carrying 3 Marks may be from 50 to 75 words.
3. Answer to questions carrying 4-5 marks may be about 150 words
4. Answer to questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.
5. Attempt all parts of a question together.

1. Define Management? (1)

2. Why is management principles said to be universal? (1)

3. Why internal sources of recruitment considered better than external sources? Give one reasonto support your answer. (1)

4. Can “accountability” be delegated? (1)

5. Complete the following sentence:
Management audit is a technique to keep check on the performance of _______ (1)

6. Give one e.g. of noise in process of communication. (1)

7. State true or false: Controlling function of an organization is only forward looking. 1)

8. “Leadership is required for only less efficient subordinates” Do you agree. (1)

9. Write one limitation of planning. (1)

10. Which is the highest level need in the “ Need Hierarchy Theory “of Abraham Maslow. (1)

11.”Leading, influencing and motivating employees to perform the tasks assigned to them” is one of the important functions of management. Name and explain the function. (3)

12. Distinguish between Unity of Command and Unity of direction on the basis of
(i) meaning, (ii) aim, (ii) implications. (3)

13.”An effort to control everything may end up in controlling nothing.” Explain (3)

14. In an electrical goods manufacturing company, there are four main activities Marketing, Production, Finance, and Personnel. The General manager Abhipsa Amma is planning to structure the organization. Which type of organizational structure should she adopt and why? Give two reasons. (3)

15. How is Management audit serves as an effective technique of controlling? (3)

16. Explain in brief, the following, any two, methods of training the workers:
(i) Apprenticeship Programme, (ii) Vestibule training, (iii) Internship. (4)

17. Explain the three elements of delegation of authority. (4)

18. Your grand father murli anna, retired as the director of a manufacturing company. At what level of management was he working? What functions do you think he was performing at that level? State any three functions. (4)

19. Explain any four techniques which facilitate application of the principles of scientific management. (4)

20. Explain the “Principle of Order “and “Espirit de Corps “, as described by Henry Fayol. (4)

21. Teja and khushbu are two employees of two different departments. One day during lunch time, Teja informed khushbu that many employees will be retrenched because of the computerization. Name the type of communication. State its four limitations. (5)

22 .What is meant by “Informal organization”? Explain any four features of informal organization. (5)

23. Describe in brief Taylor’s principles of:
(i) Science, not the rule of thumb,
(ii) Harmony, not discord. (5)

24. Why is organizing considered an important function of management? Give any five reasons.(5)

25. Who are regarded as the middle level of management in a business organization? Explain their role. (5)

26. Explain “Personnel Consultant”, “Employment Exchanges” and “Media Advertising” as external sources of recruitment.


Explain briefly the first six steps of selection process. (6)

27. What is meant by “Monetary Incentives “? Explain briefly any five types of monetary incentives which contribute to the performance of the employees.


What is meant by “Non-Monetary Incentives “? Explain briefly any five types of non-monetary incentives which contribute to the performance of the employees. (6)

28.” If planning is done carefully and accordingly other functions of management are going in the direction, and then there is no need of the controlling function of management. “Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons in the support of your answer. OR
Explain the relationship between “Planning “and “Controlling”. (6)

29. Why is staffing an important function of management in all organizations? Explain in brief, any six reasons.


Explain the term “Training”. Why is training needed in an organization? Give any five points. (6)

30. Distinguish between formal and informal organization on the basis of (a) formation, (b) leadership, (c) behaviour of members, (d) flow of communications, (e) nature, (f) authority.


Explain the term ‘delegation’ and ‘decentralisation’, in brief, and distinguish between ‘delegation’ and ‘decentralisation’ of authority on the basis of:
(i) scope, (ii) significance , (iii) freedom of action , and (iv) essentiality. (6)