(Guess Papers) Guess Paper For CBSE Class XII Informatics Practices (2009-10) Set - 1
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GUESS PAPER For 2009-10
SUBJECT - Informatics Practices
TIME 3HRS Max. Marks. - 70
Note : Question paper has 3 section of 30, 20 and 20 marks. All the question are compulsory
Q 1 Answer the following question :
a) Define – (i) Freeware ii) Shareware iii) OpenSource iv) Tomcat 2
b) What is the purpose of Data Mining? 2
c) Define the following terms. 2
i) Data Dictionary ii) Data Warehousing
d) What does object modeling technique mean? Why do we use UML? 2
e) Explain Localization & Internationalization. 2
Q 2 Answer the following question :
a) Explain the following terms:
i) Startup Form ii) Load Statement iii) Show Method iv) Event
b) How is a standard module different from a form module?
Explain with example. 2
c) Explain the term Data Provider and Data Control. 2
d) Write one difference and one common characteristic between
a control and a variable in Visual basic? 2
e) What do understand by OLE? 2
Q 3 Answer the following question :
a) What is the need of normalization? Define second normal form. 2
b) State the difference between –
i) Constraints and Triggers. ii) Before and After trigger 2
c) Define database Transaction. What is the role of SavePoint
in database transaction?
d) What is Network Protocol? Discuss the functioning of
TCP/IP Protocol? 2
e) What is Distributed database? Name the keyword used to : 2
(i) Force every value in a column to
be different.
(ii) To make a new Table.
(iii)assign a value as no data
(iv) In a column value comes