(Guess Papers) Guess Paper For CBSE Class XII Political Science (2009-10)

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Guess Paper – 2009-10
Class – XII
M.M: 100 Time: 3 Hrs

General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Question Nos. 1-10 is of 1 mark each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 20 word each.
3. Question Nos. 11-20 is of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not Exceed 40 words each.
4. Question Nos. 21-30 is of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not Exceed 100 words each.
5. Question Nos. 31-35 is of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not Exceed 150 words each.

1 Correct the following sentence:

ARF’ stands for African Regional Forum.

2 Fill in the blanks:
………….. Is the present UN Secretary General?

3 Is human security and state security a same thing?

4 Why did India embark on the programmed of economic reforms in 1991?

5 Mention the main objective of first Five Year Plan.

6 Correct the following sentence and re-write:
The issue of Jammu and Kashmir was resolved after a plebiscite which Confirmed people’s desire to join India.

7 Which were the two major challenges the country faced for building democracy?

8 What is the meaning of defection?

9 the Anti-Arrack Movement in Andhra pradesh drew attention on the country to some serious issues Mention any two?

10 Mention any one factor that leads to communalism.

11 what was the major outcome of the disintegration of USSR?

12 What are the objectives of NIEO?

13 Explain political and diplomatic influence of European Union.

14 ‘China is an important country of south Asia but is not considered to be a part of SAARC”. Why?

15 What is India’s description of indigenous people how they are treated over here?

16 Mention any two ideologies of communist party of India

17 Mention the role of state Reorganization commission.

18 Mention any two major objectives of Nehru’s Foreign Policy.

19 what were the steps taken by indira Gandhi against the wishes of syndicates?

20 State the main issues in the Indian politics in the period after 1989.what different configurations of
political parties these differences lead to?

21 Looking at the Indian scenario, what type of security has been given priority in India, traditional or non-traditional? What examples could you site to substantiate the arguments?

22 Identify the contentious issues between china and India. How could these be resolved for greater cooperation?

23How does political leadership of a nation affect its foreign policy? Explain this with the example from India’s foreign policy.

24 Explain any four reasons, which make India’s claim stronger for a permanent
Membership of the Security Council.

25 “TheU.N. Was not created to take humanity to heaven, but to save it from hell”. What do you understand by this statement of Dag Hammerskold on the UN?

26 Analyze the role of globalization.in the present context.

27 cartoon on page no ---56

Look at the above cartoon. Answer the following question
i) What is the idea being discussed over here?
ii) Mention any two initiatives taken by India towards planning
iii)”Indian policy makers made a mistake by emphasizing the role of state in the economy. India could have developed much better if private sector was allowed a free play right from the beginning” give two arguments for or against this proposition.

28. Study the map given above and answer the following questions: 1+1+2
a) Identify regions that are asking for autonomy.
b) What issues do regional movements involve?
c) What is the various position of the issue of Kashmir?

29 “The era of coalition started in 1977 at the Central Government level and has Come to stay in a big way”. Explain.

30 Do movements and protests in a country strengthen democracy? Justify your answer with examples.

31 “Like all other countries, India too has to decide exactly what type of relationship it wants with United States in this phase of global hegemony. The choices are not exactly easy” Do you agree? Give any three arguments in support of your answer.


“The transition from Communism to Capitalism was not a smooth one”. Comment.

32 How has globalization impacted on India and how is India in turn impacting on globalization.


“Pursuing economic development without causing further damage to the global Environment is a major challenge before the States.” Suggest any three measures To overcome this problem.

33 List any three factors that helped the Congress to continue to dominate the Indian political scenario for almost three decades after independence. 2+2+2


Opposition plays a significant role in a democracy. Did the opposition, in the Era of one party dominance, perform its role of highlighting the acts of omission And commission of the government? Support your answer by giving any three Arguments. 2+2+2

34 Discuss the statement- “Was the Emergency necessary”.


Discuss the impact of emergency on the following aspects of our polity
i) Effects on the civil liberties for citizens.
ii) Impact on the relationship between the executives an d the judiciary.
iii) Functioning of mass media
iv) Working of the police and bureaucracy .2+2+1+1

35 ‘In the midst of severe competition and many conflicts, a consensus appears To have emerged among most of the political parties”. In the light of the above Statement highlights any three points of consensus. 2+2+2


“Even after six decades of independence certain issues pertaining to national Integration is yet to be resolved”. In the light of this statement, explain any Three unresolved issues. 2+2+2.