(Important Questions) Important Questions CBSE Class 9th : Science Year 2009 (Diversity in Living Organism-Nomenclature)

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Important Questions CBSE Class 9th : Science Year 2009
(Diversity in Living Organism-Nomenclature)

Q.1. Who is said to be Father of Taxonomy?
Answer : 
Carolus Linnaeus.

Q.2. State the advantage of using scientific names instead of common or popular names?
Answer : 
To avoid the confusion in name of an organism as different organism are called by the same name in different languages, Linnaeus gave a system in which an organism is given two names genetic and specific. The scientific name of common cat is Felis domestica and that for tiger is Felis tigris. This system of naming organism is called “Binomial system of nomenclature”. The scientific names given to the organism is recognized all over the world.

Q.3. Who was the scientist to propose the binomial nomenclature? Give uses of this system?
Answer : 
Carolus Linnaeus.
(i) It is understood and followed all over the world.
(ii) They are not changed.
(iii) They are not changed according to language or country.

Q.4. . State the components of a scientific name?
Answer : 
There are two components of a scientific name.
First one is genus (generic) and second species name (specific).

Q.5. State the conventions followed while writing the scientific names?
Answer : 
Conventions followed are:-
(i) The name of the genus begins with capital letter.
(ii) The name of the species begins with small letter.
(iii) The scientific names are printed in italics.
(iv) The genus name and the species name are underlined if written by hand.

Q.6. How are two characteristics to be used for developing a hierarchy in classification choose?
Answer : 
The characteristics dependent on the previous one and would decide the variety in the next level should be chosen for developing a hierarchy in classification.

Q.7. State the basis for grouping organisms into five kingdoms?
Answer : 
The basis are:-
(i) Organism made of prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells.
(ii) Organism are unicellular or multicellular.
(iii) Cells have cell wall or not.
(iv) Organism prepare their own food or not.

Q.8. State the major divisions in the Plantae. What is the basis for these division?
Answer : 
Major division in Plantae are:-
(i) Thalophyta.
(ii) Bryophyte.
(iii) Pteridophyta.
(iv) Gymnosperms.
(v) Angiosperms.
Basis for classification are:-
(i) If the plant body has well differentiated, distinct components.
(ii) If the differentiated plant body has special tissues for the transport of water and minerals.
(iii) If the plants bear the seeds.
(iv) Seeds are enclosed within fruits or not.

Q.9. State the criteria for deciding divisions in plants?
Answer : 
The criteria depends upon:-
(i) Differentiation of plant body components.
(ii) Presence of transport tissues.
(iii) Ability to produce seeds.
(iv) Seeds enclosed in fruits.

Q.10. How vertebrata are classified into further subgroups?
Answer : 
Vertebrata are classified further on the basis of:-
(i) Simple to complex form.
(ii) Function of the organism.
For example:-
(i) fishes have two chambered heart,
(ii) amphibians and reptiles have three chambered heart,
(iii) aves and mammals have four chambered heart.