(Paper) Class XII Informatics Practices: Chapter Wise Papers (PROCEDURES, FUNCTIONS & MODULES IN VB)
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Class XII Informatics Practices Paper (Chapter Wise With Answer)
Q1. Name & explain the usage of all three types of modules
available in Visual Basic.
Sol.: (i) Form Module- it is a module that stores all the procedures &
declaration pertaining to single form. Extension of from module is .frm.
(ii)Standard Module- It stores general purpose code of the application that is
the code & declaration that are not specific to one form of application.
Extension of standard module .bas.
(iii)Class Module- it is a special code module that stores the blueprint for
user created custom objects. Extension of class module is .cls.
Q2. What is the difference between a function and a sub procedure? Write one
example of each.
Sol.: Function Procedure & Sub Procedure share the characterstics with one
difference , function returns the value to the caller while procedure never
trturns the value
private sub sum (a as integer, b as integer)
dim s as integer
print “sum of two nos is “& s
end sum
private function sum( a as integer, b as integer) as integer
dim s as integer
s= a+b
End function
Q3. How many value(s) does a Procedure and a Function return?
Sol.: Procedure doesn’t return any value while Function can return only one
Q4. Write a Procedure in VB to accept number and add number with 400 and
display result
Sol.: the function is as:
Private sub Procedure Result (num As Integer)
MsgBox (“the result is:”&str (Result)
End Function
Q5. Write a procedure that receives a day number and print day of the week.
Sol.: private sub display ( dd as integer)
Dim day as string
Select case dd
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Day =”Wednesday”
Case 4
Day =”Thursay”
Case 5
Day= “Friday”
Case 6
Case 7
Case else
Day=“Enter the no. from 1 between 7”
Select end
Print “day of the week is “& Day
End sub