(Download) NIOS Syllabus Of History Senior Secondary
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(Download) NIOS Syllabus Of History Senior Secondary
Total Reading Time : 240 Hours
Max. Marks 100
Number of Papers One
History is the scientific study of human beings and the evolution of human society in point of time and in different ages. As such it occupies all important place in the school curriculum. It is, therefore, taught as a general subject forming a part of Social Science both at the Middle and the Secondary Stages. At the Middle Stage, entire Indian History is covered, while at the Secondary Stage, the land marks in the development of human society are taught.
At the Senior Secondary Stage, History becomes an elective subject. Its main thrust is to bridge the gap between the presence of change-oriented technologies of today and the continuity of our cultural tradition so as to ensure that the coming generation will represent the fine synthesis between change and continuity. It is, therefore, deemed essential to take up the entire Indian History from the Ancient to the Modem period for Senior Secondary Stage.
The rationale for taking up the teaching of History at this stage is :
1. to promote an understanding of the major stages in the evolution of Indian society through the ages.
2. to develop an understanding of the historical forces responsible for the evolution of Indian society in the Ancient, Medieval and Modem times.
3. to develop an appreciation of
(i) the diverse cultural and social systems of the people living indifferent
parts of the country.
(ii) the richness, variety and composite nature of Indian culture.
(iii) the growth of various components of Indian culture, legitimate pride in
the achievement of Indian people in. different parts of the country.
(iv) the process of change which evolved as a result of interaction with other
4. to identify the fissiparous trends which hampered the growth of the Indian nation in different periods.
5. to recognize that the Indian culture has not remained and developed in isolation, rather was a result of a synthesis of different cultures and to understand the contemporary process of change, continuity and development.
6. to remove from the minds of the younger generation prejudices and complexestransmitted from the biased interpretation of History, the social environment and the accident of birth.
7. to develop an appreciation of the contribution made by the people from all parts of the country in the making of the national heritage.
8. to foster proper understanding of the contemporary problems of India in historical perspective so as to develop an enlightened citizenship for active participation in the establishment of a just social order.
9. to inculcate scientific temper and objectivity to the study of India’s past in order to relate to the present.
The study of History at this stage is intended to initiate and introduce students to the ‘Elements of Historical Methodology’ as also how the historian thinks and works. For this, he should be acquainted with the various types of sources which form the basis of history and develop the competence to evaluate the reliability of the sources.
Keeping in view the implications of the National Policy on Education (May, 1986, PP. 3,4) providing access to education of a comparable quality for all students, irrespective of caste, creed, location or sex and the Programmes of Action (August, 1986, P. 144) emphasizing the immediate need for introducing the curricular change in the content of history essential to nurture national identity, protect, preserve and promote our common cultural heritage, the approach to the teaching-learning of History at the +2 Stage (Senior Secondary) will highlight the following:
1. The new focus will be on the socio-economic and cultural development of man in society. The political developments and dynastic treatment, which has been hitherto the main thrust in the teaching-learning process, will no longer be given undue emphasis.
2. The emphasis at this stage will be laid on the development of a composite culture and national integration by highlighting the contribution of the people from all parts of the country through the ages. The development of the components of composite culture has assumed different forms in different periods of Indian History. In Ancient and Medieval India, the cultural identity and unity formed the main basis whereas in Modern India, the political unification during the British rule constituted the main plank of the composite culture which was strengthened further with the integration of the Princely States with the India Union.
3. It is necessary to highlight the role, the suffering and sacrifice of the people in the struggle for freedom against the British rule irrespective of religion and region.
4. Other important areas include the removal of social evils and emancipation of women in modern India.
The study of History at this stage will not remain confined to the reading material alone. The whole process will be activity oriented with more emphasis on the self learning activities of the learners. To create further interest in the study of History frequent use will be made of audio-visual aids (T.V.-CCTV), maps, charts, time line, genealogical tables and the learner will be required to study historical geography of India and undertake field trips wherever feasible. The development of the entire process of learning History will take place with the close co-operation and active participation of the learner during the contact programmes.
Each module of the course (Unit and Sub-Unit) has been divided into two parts-the General Foundation Units and the Certification Units. The General Foundation Units provide a comprehensive view of Indian History in chronological sequence for proper understanding of the main events of Indian History in self-contained units. The Certification Units are to be studied in reasonable depth including interpretation critical thinIdng and balanced views for eItemal examination at the Senior Secondary level.
Module |
Marks |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. |
Ancient Indian History
Climax of Ancient India Legacy of Ancient India Rise and Fan of the Delhi Sultanate The Mughal Empire Contribution of Medieval India Renascent India India’s Struggle for Independence Maps |
08 10 12 08 10 12 08 22 10 |
The General Foundation units form the base for
understanding |
The erstwhile Module 9 India Since Independence
has now been |