(News) Internet Radio (iRadio) by NCERT
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Internet Radio (iRadio) by NCERT
will soon launch its internet radio (iRadio) in collaboration with Commonwealth
Education Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) and Open University Malaysia,which will
be inaugurated on June 3.It will air archived as well as live programmes wherein
students can interact with experts.
NCERT is also planning to convert its textbooks into audio books from class I to XII for all subjects and this would be made available on the iRadio, informed Kamini Bhatnagar,head,audio production division,CIET,NCERT,adding,this would be particularly helpful for students with special needs. The process has just been initiated and will take at least a year to be completed,she said.
We are also organising an international workshop on Open Educational Resources for English Language Teaching in collaboration with Commonwealth of Learning,Canada from May 31-June 4, informed Kamat.
Courtesy : Timesofindia.com