(Notification) CBSE : Theme for CENBOSEC (April-June'2010)

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The Cenbosec Issue (April-June, 2010) is based on the theme ‘Be the Change’. In case any principal/teacher/peer educator wishes to contribute an article for this issue of Cenbosec, it may kindly be sent on email to sadhanap.cbse@nic.in before 15th May, 2010

The article should be a computer print on A4 size paper and not exceed 3 pages in 1.5 spaces. A hard copy may also be sent to -

Dr.Sadhana Parashar, Head (Research and Innovation)
Central Board of Secondary Education
17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area
New Delhi – 110 002

Moreover the CENBOSEC is a medium and platform which helps you to reach out to all the other schools affiliated to CBSE. You can send us Reports** of the Activities conducted by you under the following headings. These may be accompanied by photographs of good quality which can be scanned for the Journal:

  1. 1. Readers’ Forum / Feedback of IIM Training Programmes
  2. 2. Events Update
  3. 3. News from Schools
  4. 4. Eco Clubs : Green Page
  5. 5. Sahodaya Activities
  6. 6. Health and Wellness Clubs : Adolescence Education Programme / Life Skills
  7. 7. Best Practices
  8. 8. Any other activities conducted by the school.

* Care may be taken that articles are not downloaded directly from the Internet but are original contributions based on your experience and insight.

** Reports, Events and Activities should attempt to focus on process and outcomes.

** Kindly select one category from the above mentioned ones and describe the event conducted in a short paragraph of words not exceeding 200 accompanied with a post card size photograph of good quality .Please do not send entire school magazines for including in CENBOSEC .

Courtesy: http://www.cbse.nic.in