(Model Paper) Andhra Pradesh Board Intermediate 1st Year Model Question Papers (Mathematics A & B)
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Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh
(Algebra, Vector Algebra and Trigonometry)
(English Version)
Time : 3 hours
Max. Marks : 100
I. Very short answer questions 10 x 2 = 20 Marks (Attempt all questions) (each question carries ‘Two’ marks)
05. Sketch the graph of sin x in (0, 2π)
06. Find the value of cos245°-sin215°
07. Show that cos h (3x) = 4 cos h3 X - 3 cos hx.
08. If c2=a2+b2, write the value of 4 s(s-a) (s-b) (s-c) in terms of a and b.
09. Simplify (cos ө - isin ө)7 / (sin2q - iCos2ө)4
10. Expand cos 4 ө in powers of cos ө .............