(Study Material) Notes On Differences Between Various Cells For CBSE Class 9th

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Differences Between Procaryotic And Eucaryotic Cells

Procaryotic Cell Eucaryotic Cell
  1. The cell size is usually small (0.1 - 5.0 mm).

  2. A procaryotic cell has one envelope organisation.
  3. The flagella, if present, are single stranded, 4 - 5 mm (length) × 12 nm (diameter and
    without differentiation of axoneme and
  4. An organised nucleus is absent. Instead a nucleoid is found
  5. Cell wall, if present, possesses muramic acid.
  6. DNA is naked, that is, a covering sheath of histone is absent.
  7. DNA is usually circular.
  8. The amount of DNA is comparatively low.
  9. DNA lies freely in the cytoplasm. It is not associated with any organelle.
  10. The amount of DNA remains the same throughout the life cycle
  11. Transcription and translation occur in the cytoplasm.
  12. A spindle apparatus is not formed during division of nuclear body.
  13. Respiratory enzymes are associated with plasma membrane.
  14. Endocytosis and exocytosis are rare.
  15. Endoplasmic reticulum is absent.
  16. Cytoplasm does not show streaming movmements.
  17. Ribosomes are of 70 S type.
  18. Mitochondria are absent.
  19. Golgi apparatus is absent.
  20. Centrioles, (centrosome, central apparatus) are absent.
  21. Lysosomes and other microbodies are absent.
  22. True or sap vacuoles are usually absent. Instead, gas vacuoles, may be found.
  23. Micro tubules and microfilaments are commonly absent.
  24. Thylakoids, if present, lie freely in the cytoplasm.
  25. Gametes are not formed, since sexual reproduction is absent.
  26. A spindle apparatus is not formed during division
  27. Cell membrane takes part in separating replication products.
  28. DNA does not have superfluous parts. Therefore, RNA does not require any processing.
  29. Nucleoid is equivalent to a single chromosome or prochromosome.
  1. The cell size is comparatively larger (3 - 30 mm).
  2. A eucaryotic cell has two envelope organisation.
  3. The flagella, if present, are 11-stranded,150-200 mm (length) × 200 nm (diameter) and show differentiation into an axoneme surrounded by a sheath.
  4. An organised nucleus is found. It is differentiated into nuclear envelope, chromatin, one or more nucleoli, and nucleoplasm.
  5. Cell wall, if present, does not contain muramic acid.
  6. Nuclear DNA is associated with histone proteins
  7. Nuclear DNA is linear. Extra nuclear DNA is commonly circular
  8. The amount of DNA is comparatively very high.
  9. Most of the cell DNA lies in the nucleus. A small quantity is also found in the plastids and mitochondria.
  10. The amount of DNA shows a regular alternation between diploid and haploid stages.
  11. Transcription occurs in the nucleus while translation takes place in the cytoplasm.
  12. A spindle apparatus is formed during nuclear division.
  13. Respiratory enzymes are present in both cytoplasm as well as mitochondria.
  14. They are quite common.
  15. Cytoplasm is differentiated into cytoplasmic matrix and endoplasmic reticulum.
  16. Cytoplasm usually shows streaming movements.
  17. Ribosomes are of 80S type. 70S ribosomes, however, occurs in plastids and mitochondria.
  18. Mitochondria are usually present.
  19. Golgi apparatus is present.
  20. Centrioles are usually present in cells of organisms in which motile stage is present at one or the other time the life cycle.
  21. Microbodies including lysosomes or their equivalent are present.
  22. True or sap vacuoles are commonly found.

  23. Microtubules and microfilaments are important constituents of eucaryotic cells.
  24. Thylakoids, if present, are grouped inside the chloroplasts.
  25. Gametes are formed either directly or through meiosis, as sexual reproduction is found in the life cycle.
  26. A spindle apparatus is produced during nuclear division
  27. Cell membrane does not have any role in separating replication products. This is done by spindle apparatus.
  28. RNA requires processing as DNA possesses superfluous parts.
  29. Nucleus contains more than one chromosome.

Difference between Plant and Animal Cells

Plant Cell Animal Cell
  1. A plant cell has a rigid wall on the outside.
  2. It is usually larger in size.
  3. It cannot change its shape.
  4. Plastids are found in plant cells.
  5. Plant cells exposed to sunlight possess chlorophyll containing plastids called chloroplasts.
  6. A mature plant cell contains a large central vacuole.
  7. Nucleus lies on one side in the peripheral cytoplasm.
  8. Mitochondria are comparatively fewer.
  9. Plant cells do not burst if placed in hypotonic solution due to the presence of cell wall.
  10. Centrioles are usually absent except in lower plants.
  11. Spindle formed duing nuclear division is anastral.
  12. Golgi apparatus consists of a number of distinct or unconnected units called dictyosomes.
  13. Cytoskeleton does not contain intermediate fibres.
  14. Lysosomes are rare. Their activity is performed by specialised vacuoles.
  15. Glyoxysomes may be present
  16. Crystals of inorganic substances may occurs inside the cells.
  17. A tissue fluid does not bathe the individual cells.
  18. Plant cells can synthesise all the amino acids, vitamins and coenzymes required by them.
  19. Cytokinesis occurs by cell plate method.
  1. A cell wall is absent, though other structures occur in some acellular organisms formerly included amongst animals.
  2. An animal cell is comparatively smaller in size
  3. An animal cell can often change its shape.
  4. Plastids are usually absent.
  5. Chlorophyll is absent.
  6. An animal cell often possesses many small vacuoles.
  7. Nucleus usually lies in the centre.
  8. Mitochondria are generally more numerous.
  9. Animal cells usually burst if placed in hypotonic solution unless and until they possess contractile vacuoles.
  10. Centioles are found in animal cells.
  11. Spindle formed during nuclear division is amphiastral.
  12. Golgi apparatus is either localised or consists of a well connected single complex.
  13. Cytoskeleton contains intermediate fibres.
  14. Typical lysosomes occur in animal cells.
  15. They are absent.
  16. Crystals usually do not occur in animal cells.
  17. A tissue fluid containing NaCl bathes the cells.
  18. Animal cells cannot synthesise all the amino acids, vitamins and coenzymes required by them.
  19. Cytokinesis occurs by constriction.

Courtesy: http://lms.ptudep.org