(Syllabus) Updated termwise syllabus in FIT and Home Science at Secondary level
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Updated Termwise Syllabus in Foundation of Information Technology (FIT)
and Home Science at Secondary level
In continuation with the Board's office Circular No. 12/10 dated 23/03/2010 on updated syllabus in the main subjects at Secondary school level ( Classes 9 and 10) for the year 2010 – 11, please find updated syllabi termwise for Foundation of Information Technology ( FIT ) and Home Science for the session 2010-11 as given in Annexure 1 and 2.
Annexure - 1 : Foundation of Information Technology
CODE NO. 165
Learning Objectives:
1. To familiarize with basics of IT
2. To develop basic skills of using tools for information representation and
3. To use Information Processing tools for enhancing productivity and quality.
1. Cognitive domain: Knowledge and understanding. To develop basic
understanding of IT tools.
2. Psychomotor domain: Skills To develop skills in using Information Processing
3. Affective domain: Personality traits To develop habit of team work, structure
presentation and abide by ethical principles of computing
General Instructions:
1. The units specified for each term shall be assessed through Formative
Assessments and Summative Assessments.
2. In each term, there will be two Formative Assessments (FA1, FA2 in first term
and FA3, FA4 in the second term), each carrying 10% weightage.
3. The Summative Assessment in the first term (SA1) will carry 20% weightage and
the Summative Assessment in the second term (SA2) will carry 40% weightage.
4. Hands-on skills and projects will carry 40% of the 10% weightage in every
Formative Assessment.
5. Assessment of Practical Skills through MCQ will carry 20% weightage in every
term end summative assessment.
TERM I (THEORY) : 3 Hours 80 Marks
Unit | Description | Theory |
1 | Basics of Information Technology | 17 |
2 | Information Processing Tools | 38 |
3 | IT Applications | 25 |
Total | 80 |
TERM II (THEORY): 3 Hours 80 Marks
Unit | Description | Theory |
1 | Basics of Information Technology | 4 |
2 | Information Processing Tools | 27 |
3 | IT Applications | 36 |
4 | Societal impacts of IT | 13 |
Total | 80 |
TERM I (THEORY) : 3 Hours 80 Marks
Unit | Description | Theory |
1 | Basics of Information Technology | 25 |
2 | Information Processing Tools | 30 |
3 | IT Applications | 25 |
Total | 80 |
TERM II (THEORY) : 3 Hours 80 Marks
Unit | Description | Theory |
1 | Basics of Information Technology | 30 |
2 | Information Processing Tools | 33 |
3 | IT Applications | 17 |
Total | 80 |