(Paper) IP CBSE 2008 Guess Questions

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IP CBSE 2008 Guess Questions

Section A 
Q1.Answer the following questions: 
a) What is Financial Accounting system? Name any two entities or tables that could be a part of this system. [2] 
b) What do you understand by OSS? Explain with example. [2] 
c) Name the web browser for Linux OS. [1] 
d) What is relational Database Management system? [1] 
e) What is the difference between two tier system and three tier system [2] 
f) Define i) Metadata [2] 
ii) Data Dictionary 

Q2.a) What is the use of ‘option explicit’ statement in VB? Give example. [2] b) Differentiate using a suitable example between msgbox () and inputbox () 
function in VB. [2] 
c) Write two major differences between Object Oriented programming and 
Procedural programming [2] 
d) Explain static variable with example. [2] 
e) Write a program displaying current time and date using timer control. 
Note: The date will be displayed on the title bar of form. [2] 

Q3.a) Compile the differences between DDL and DML commands of SQL. [2] 
b) What is non-equi join? Give example [2] 
c) What is the purpose of GRANT and REVOKE statements? [2] 
d) Explain Bind variable with example. [2] 
e) List parts of trigger. What is INSTEAD OF trigger? [2] 

Section B
Q4. Write a Visual Basic procedure, which takes a string as argument and displays the following: 
· The string in uppercase [4] 
· The length of the string 
· The string with its first and last characters in uppercase and all the other characters in lowercase. 

Q5.Explain the possible types of recordset in Visual Basic. [4] 

Q6.Explain FIX( ) and INT( ) with example. [2] 

Q7.Vijaya has designed a VB form to gather the data regarding the ranks and the prize amounts won by different teams in an annual sports meet : 
She has used three control arrays named chksportsName, txtRank and txtPrizeAmount for storing the sport names, the rank and the prize amount respectively. Now she wishes to make the following changes to the application she designed: 
a) The text box for rank should be enabled only if the corresponding check box is checked. [2] 
b) The text box for prize amount should be enabled only if the corresponding rank is in the range 1-3. [2] 
c) The contents of the text box txtPrizeAmount should be a non-negative number. [2] 
d) When the user clicks the command button Calculate Prize Amount, the total prize amount should be displayed in a message box. [2] 
e) When the user clicks the clear button, the form should be restored to the default state. [2] 

Section C

Q8. a)Write a PL/SQL statement to create the following table : [2] 


Data Type




Room Type








Primary key  


Allowed Values: VACANT, OCCUPIED

b) Write a PL/SQL function that takes RoomType as parameter, and returns the number of VACANT rooms having the same type. [4] 
c) Write a PL/SQL block that accepts the desired status (VACANT or OCCUPIED) through a substitution variable and displays the details of all the matching rooms from the RoomMaster table [4]

Q9.What are explicit cursor attributes? What is their purpose? [4] 

Q10.Create a trigger that prints the change in salary every time salary of an employee is changed. 
The changed salary should display the old salary, new salary and difference in salary. [3] 

Q11.What are the various data models available for database systems? [3]