(Download) ICSE Class-10 : Sample Question Paper 2017 - COOKERY

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SECTION A (40 Marks)

Question 1

Give a suitable reason for each of the following:
(a) Overcooking of food is harmful. [2]
(b) In food preservation, the principle of high temperature is utilized. [2]
(c) Adolescents in the family need more food than adults. [2]
(d) The use of raw vegetables is necessary in a balanced meal. [2]
(e) The size of the kitchen is not as important as the work areas that need to be grouped. [2]

Question 2

(a) Define the term food. [2]
(b) State two ways by which food can appeal to the senses. [2]
(c) The colour of vegetables and fruits is related to a basic medium present in them. Explain:
(i) The white or yellow colour in vegetables and fruits.
(ii) The red-purple colour in vegetables and fruits. [2]
(d) The standard of public health depends on refuse cleaning. State two examples each of the following:
(i) Kitchen garbage
(ii) Dry refuse [2]
(e) What are the disadvantages of packed food? [2]

Question 3

(a) How can one avoid the wastage of served food? [2]
(b) State two ways by which food can be made free of bacteria. [2]
(c) State two important principles of cooking food. Give one example of each. [2]
(d) State two factors to be kept in mind while boiling vegetables. [2]
(e) Differentiate between perishable and nonperishable food with one example each. [2]

Question 4

(a) One step in the method of food preparation is blanching. Give two reasons for its use. [2]
(b) State any two advantages of steamed food. [2]
(c) Name two major work areas in the kitchen. [2]
(d) Shop keepers sometimes hoard commodities. How does this affect a consumer? [2]
(e) Name two eating disorders found in adolescents. [2]

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Question 5

Foods need to be selected and purchased on the basis of storage capacity in the house.
(a) Define convenience food and state a few examples as we classify them in our kitchen. [5]
(b) Semi-perishable foods include processed cereals and pulse products. Give examples to show how the shelf life will vary for these foods. [5]
(c) Perishable foods have a short life span. Name any four perishable foods. Explain the enzyme and chemical changes that take place in any one perishable food. [5]

Question 6

Kitchen layout and planning is as important as the rest of the house.
(a) Explain the factors that need to be considered for the location of work centers in a kitchen. [5]
(b) State the important factors for the following in a well-planned kitchen:
(i) An airy, well lit and ventilated space.
(ii) A good floor, ceiling and wall. [5]
(c) Account for the importance of sink in the kitchen. [5]

Question 7

It is a good practice to save surplus food for future use.
(a) Define food preservation. Explain it with the help of four examples. [5]
(b) Discuss how drying of food helps in arresting food spoilage. How effective is the new method of radiation in food preservation? [5]
(c) Explain the effectiveness of refrigeration as a method of preserving food. [5]

Question 8

(a) What happens when germination of food takes place? How does sprouting change the texture of starch present in grains? [5]
(b) Cereals and millets are the staple foods in India. Explain their importance in the daily diet. [5]
(c) Food must satisfy certain emotional needs to keep a family happy. What are these needs, how can they be expressed through the sharing of food? [5]

Question 9

Some families have limited funds to spend on food while a few others have a greater amount. In this context, explain the importance of the following:
(a) Awareness of available options while buying food is essential for home makers. [5]
(b) Taking advantage of an abundant supply of foods is a wise step while buying food for a family. [5]
(c) It is the individual consumer whose income affects the purchase of food. [5]

Question 10

At every stage of life, nutrition plays a very important role. In this context, explain:-
(a) The important points for the development of food habits of the pre-school child. [5]
(b) Adolescents require an adequate intake of calcium, iron and iodine in their diet. [5]
(c) The intake of high-calorie food in old age needs to be restricted. [5]