(Download) ICSE: Class X Syllabus - 2013 "Modern Foreign Languages (French)"

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ICSE (Class X)
Syllabus (2013)

Subject: Modern Foreign Languages (French)

(Candidates opting for a Modern Foreign Language as a Second Language in Group I may not opt for the same language under Modern Foreign Languages in Group II and Group III).


  1. To develop and integrate the use of the four language skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  2. To use the language effectively and appropriately on topics of everyday life situations.
  3. To develop an interest in the appreciation of French.
  4. To develop an intercultural awareness.
  5. To enhance the ability of the candidates to express their ideas and feelings in their own words and for them to understand the use of correct language.
  6. To appreciate the language as an effective means of communication.
  7. To understand language when spoken at normal conversational speed in everyday life situations.
  8. To understand the basic structural patterns of the language, vocabulary and constructions.


There will be one paper of three hours duration carrying 80 marks and Internal Assessment of 20 marks.

1. Composition:
Candidates will be required to write, in French, one short composition which may include short explanations, directions, descriptions or narratives. There will be a choice of subjects which will be varied and may be suggested by language or other stimuli such as pictures or objects.

2. Letter:
Candidates will be required to write a letter from a choice of either a formal or an informal letter. Suggestions may be given. The layout of the letter with address, introduction, conclusion, etc., will form part of the assessment.

3. Comprehension:
An unseen passage of about 150 words will be given in French. Questions based on the given passage, will be set, to be answered in French, so as to test the candidates’ understanding of the content of the passage.

4. Grammar:
This will consist of tests in vocabulary, syntax and idiom, e.g., synthesis in sentence construction, formation of sentences in French correctly embodying given words or forms. The question will not require detailed knowledge of grammatical definitions. The questions on grammar will include the following:


  • Articles (définis, indéfinis. contractés, partitifs)
  • Adjectives (démonstratifs, possessifs, qualificatifs, interrogatifs)
  • Interrogation
  • Negation (ne ... pas, ne ... rien, ne ... personne, ne ... plus, etc.)
  • Pronouns (sujet, COI, COI, quantité, lieu, relative)
  • Prepositions
  • Tenses (présent, imparfait, passé compose, futur simple, passé récent, futur simple, verbes pronominaux, impératif)
  • Comparaison (plus de ... que, moins de ...que, plus de / moins de + nombre)
  • Superlative (Ie plus .. ./le moins ... ) Conjugation exercises (for testing verbs), gap filling (for testing articles, pronouns, prepositions), correcting errors (for testing adjectives, negation, comparative etc), Making questions and negative sentences, correcting jumbled sentences etc.

5. Translation and/or Dialogue Writing:

  • One short passage will be set for translation from French into English.
  • One passage will be set for translation from English into French.
  • Dialogue writing (Around 150 words) based on situations faced in everyday life. Hints may be given.


Communication (oral and written) skills that can be covered from any book used for teaching:

1. Topic A — Myself

  • Self, Family and Friends
  • Important Events
  • Interests and Hobbies
  • Home and Locality
  • Daily Routine
  • School

2. Topic B — Holiday Time & Travel

  • Travel, Transport and Tourism
  • Accommodation
  • Restaurant
  • Directions
  • Holiday Activities
  • Services

3. Topic C — Work & Lifestyle

  • Home Life
  • Everyday Living and Health
  • Work Experience
  • Leisure
  • Shopping
  • The Environment

Teaching and study resource books:

  • Ado - published by CLE International
  • Bravo - Published by Hatier Didier
  • Entre jeunes - published by CBSE

NOTE: The Class X - ICSE examination paper will be set on the entire syllabus prescribed for the subject.

The Class IX internal examination is to be conducted on the portion of this syllabus that is covered during the academic year. The Council has not prescribed bifurcation of the syllabus for this subject.


1. Schools will prepare, conduct and record assessments of the Listening, Speaking and Creative Writing Skills of candidates as follows:

Class IX: Three assessments in the course of the year.
Class X:
Two assessments in the course of the year.

2. Pattern of Assessment.

a) Listening Skills
A passage of about 300 words is read aloud by the examiner twice at normal reading speed (about 110 words a minute). Candidates may make brief notes during the readings. They then answer an objective type test based on the passage, on the paper provided.

b) Speaking Skills
Each candidate is required to make an oral presentation for about two minutes, which will be followed by a discussion on the subject with the examiners, for about three minutes.

Subjects for presentation may include narrating an experience, providing a description, giving directions, expressing an opinion, giving a report, relating an anecdote or commenting on a current event.

A candidate may refer to brief notes in the course of the presentation but reading or excessive dependence on notes will be penalized.

It is recommended that candidates be given an hour for preparation of their subject for presentation and that they be given a choice of subject, on a common paper.

c) Creative Writing Skills
Each candidate is required to write short compositions based on the suggested assignments.


Aural: Listening to a conversation/talk/reading of a short passage and then writing down the relevant or main points in the specified number of words and answering the given questions.

Oral: Prepared speech/declamation; impromptu speech/debate/discussion; report/interview; elocution; role-play / general conversation on selected topics. Creative Writing: Students are to write short compositions, the stimuli may be:

  • a piece of recorded music.
  • a series of recorded sounds.
  • a picture/photograph.
  • an opening sentence or phrase.
  • a newspaper/magazine clipping or report.
  • one piece of factual writing which should be informative or argumentative.
  • one piece of expressive writing which is descriptive and imaginative.
  • preparation of film/book review.

It is also suggested that students be made aware of contemporary forms of written communication, such as fax, memo, etc.


The assessment will be conducted jointly by the subject teacher and the external examiner who will each assess the candidate. (The External Examiner may be a teacher nominated by the Head of the School who could be from the faculty but not teaching the language in the section/class. For example, a teacher of French of Class VIII may be deputed to be an External Examiner for Class X Language projects).


Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks External Examiner 10 marks The total marks obtained out of 20 (Listening Skills : 5 marks; Speaking Skills : 5 marks and Creative Writing: 10 marks ) are to be sent to the Council by the Head of the School. The Head of the School will be responsible for the entry of marks, on the mark sheets provided by the Council. Schools are required to maintain a record of all assessments conducted in Listening, Speaking and Creative Writing Skills for candidates of Classes IX and X. These include copies of the assessments tests, topics for presentation and marks awarded. This record will be maintained for a period of up to 2 months after the declaration of the results of ICSE (10) examinations of the candidates concerned.

Courtesy: cisce.org

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