(Download) ICSE Class-12: Sample Question Paper 2019- BUSINESS STUDIES

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PART I (20 Marks)
Answer all questions

Question 1
Answer briefly each of the questions (i) to (xv). [10x2]
(i) Define Human Resource Management.
(ii) Distinguish between Recruitment and Selection.
(iii) ‘Money is the only motivator’. Comment.
(iv) What is meant by Piece Rate System of wage payment?
(v) How is Potential Appraisal different from Performance Appraisal?
(vi) List any four socio-psychological barriers to communication.
(vii) Define communication.
(viii) State any two threats caused to business by globalisation.
(ix) What is the role of RBI as a regulator in the Indian Banking system?
(x) Expand the following:
(a) POS

PART II (60 Marks)
Answer any five questions.

Question 2
(a) Discuss the relevance of preliminary screening and medical examination in a selection procedure. [4]
(b) What is meant by e-recruitment? Briefly explain any three benefits and any three limitations of the same. [8]

Question 3
(a) How do motivation factors as given by Herzberg affect motivation of employees? [4]
(b) Discuss any four types of training that can be given to staff in an organisation? [8]

Question 4
(a) With reference to remuneration, briefly explain any two benefits given to the staff by the employer. [4]
(b) Explain the morale productivity matrix, clearly bringing out the causes of relationship between morale and productivity. [8]

Question 5
(a) What is meant by 360o appraisal? Briefly explain any one benefit and any one limitation of the same. [4]
(b) Briefly explain the following:
(i) Leadership Continuum. [8]
(ii) Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid.

Question 6
(a) Distinguish between: [4]
(i) Internal Communication and External Communication.
(ii) Formal Communication and Informal Communication.
(b) What is meant by staff attrition? Briefly explain any three means of staff attrition. [8]

Question 7
(a) Briefly explain flexible hours and work from home, giving their meaning and significance. [4]
(b) Explain the meaning and relevance of the four types of transfers. [8]

Question 8
(a) Briefly explain any two online means of conducting business. [4]
(b) Explain any four sources of finance available to an organisation. [8]

Question 9
(a) What is meant by the terms Regulators and Intermediaries? [4]
(b) In response to an advertisement in the newspaper, draft an application letter for the post of an accountant in a medium sized organisation. [8]