(Download) ICSE: Class XII Syllabus - 2013 "Business Studies"

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ICSE (Class XII)
Syllabus (2013)

Subject: Business Studies

There will be one paper of 3 hours duration of 100 marks and divided into 2 parts.

Part 1 (30 marks) will consist of compulsory short answer questions testing knowledge, application and skills relating to elementary / fundamental aspects of the entire syllabus.

Part 2 (70 marks) will consist of seven questions out of which the candidate will be required to answer five questions, each carrying 14 marks.

1. Staff

Specific Objectives - At the end of this section pupils should be able to-

  • explain staff selection procedures.

  • state the importance and methods of staff training. • describe the indicators of low morale and the methods of raising morale.

  • describe different types of staff remuneration methods.

  • distinguish between different leadership styles.

  • identify the purpose, merits and methods of staff appraisal.

  • explain the need for promotion policy for staff.

  • understand the meaning and importance of staff promotion and transfer.

  • enlist the grounds for staff dismissal.

  1. Staff recruitment: meaning; sources - internal, external.

  2. Staff selection procedures.

  3. Staff training: importance; methods - on the job, off the job; preparation of the training programme.

  4. Staff morale: meaning; importance of morale; factors affecting morale; methods of raising morale; indicators of low morale; importance of team work.

  5. Staff remuneration: methods - time rate, wage rate, incentive methods (Halsey, Rowan plan), wage records (time card, attendance book, pay slip, pay roll, etc.).

  6. Staff motivation: meaning and importance; factors of motivation; Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of human needs.

  7. Staff leadership: leadership qualities; leadership styles.

  8. Staff appraisal: purpose; merits; methods - merit grading, interviewing, reporting.

  9. Staff promotion and transfer: meaning and importance; basis (seniority vs. ability); need for promotion policy; process for selection; types of transfer.

  10. Staff dismissal: grounds for dismissal; procedure.

2. Office Communication

Specific Objectives: At the end of this section pupils should be able to -

  • explain the need for efficient communication.

  • state the barriers to effective communication.

  • identify the oral and written methods of communication.

  • describe the procedures of handling people at the Reception.

  • identify the appropriate use of internal and external communication methods in given circumstances.

  • explain the post office service for mail and telecommunication services for telephone, telex, telegram, tele-fax etc.

  • describe the procedures of incoming and out going mail.

  • list and describe mail room machines and equipment.

  • compose relevant correspondence from available data - letters, memos, etc.

  • describe the standard telephone and switchboard equipment.

  • outline recent advances in telephone services.

  • explain the arrangements to be made by a secretary for a meeting.

  • state the essentials of a meeting.

  • identify the different kinds of meetings from given details.

  • prepare reports and minutes of a meeting from given notes.

  • explain the role of the chairman.

  • explain the procedures and common terms used in meetings.

  • explain the use of graphic methods of communication.

  • construct a table, graph, from given data.

  • interpret the graphs or diagrams.

  1. Meaning and importance of communication and essentials of effective communication.

  2. Methods: oral, written and visual - face to face communication; reception - qualities of a receptionist, procedure of reception, organisation of reception area; interviewing types - appraisal, disciplinary, recruitment, telephone - qualities of an efficient telephone operator, procedure rules for internal and external services, types of calls, modern developments in telephone communication, telephone switch board equipment, others - telex, fax, tele-write, video conferencing, cellular phones, cordless phones, loudspeaking, tele-text, staff locating systems - public address systems, bells and buzzers, lighted signals, wireless signals; written correspondence - essentials of a good business letter, structure of a letter, types of letters (only the following types: application for job, enquiry, quotation, order, complaints, drafting of interview letter, offer of appointment), letter for quick communication (standard letters, blitz reply, monogram, D.O. letters, return memo set), -internal written communication (memos, circulars, office orders), telegrams (types of telegrams, telegraphic addresses, essentials of a telegram, drafting a telegram); report writing - essentials of a good reporter, format simple informal reports (exclude company reports); meetings - meaning, requisites of a valid meeting, types (statutory, annual, extraordinary, board), secretary's duties, preparation of notices, agenda, chairman's role and power, preparation of minutes from given data only, terms used and procedures of meetings; motions; resolutions; adjournment; postponement; voting; proxy; point of order, etc.

  3. Visual communication and its importance: graphs - nature and types (Z-graph, line-graph, bar graphs); diagrams - nature and types (pictogram, pie, histogram); tables - nature and types, presentation of specific data in tabular form.

  4. Organisation of mailroom in a large office: handling of incoming and outgoing mail; mechanical aids used; post office services used.

Courtesy: cisce.org

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