CBSE : Class 10 Examination Resource Material, Hindustan Times Education- 2013
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Examination Resource Material
Class - 10th
Hindustan Times - Education
Q.1. Do examiners deduct marks for exceeding the word limit and spelling mistakes, especially in the language papers?
Reply: Though the approximate word limit
is given for short and long answer questions and students are expected to write
answers within the word limit, no marks are deducted for exceeding the word
Marks for spelling mistakes are deducted as per the guidelines in the marking
scheme in the English Language Paper.
Q.2. Should one write the answers in the same sequence as the questions in the paper? Though many people often advise that one should first attempt questions that one finds easier first, there is also a view that an examiner would prefer answers in the serial order.
Reply: Questions can be answered in any serial order and no marks will
be deducted for not following the same. However, candidates should ensure that
the serial numbers of the questions are given correctly and
distinctly and all parts of the question are attempted together.
Q.3. Please tell me about the common mistakes to avoid in the Class 12 Accountancy board exam?
Reply: The students usually commit the following mistakes while answering their Accountancy Question paper:
- Posting in wrong Accounts.
- Incorrect calculations
- Wrong Formatting of Accounts and wrong or incomplete narrations.
- Not writing the unit of the ratios in the ratio based questions such as turnover ratios (times),profitability ratios (%) etc.
- Not showing working notes wherever asked.
The students should read the question carefully and understand the problem before answering it.
Q.4. Is it okay to write an answer in one’s own language? Is it true that an examiner will look for specific definitions exactly the way they are given in the textbooks?
Reply : The answer should correctly contain what is asked for in the question following the word limit and the instructions given therein.
Q.5. Is a student failing his/her school exams detained from taking Class 10 and 12 board exams?
Reply: It is always helpful to study regularly throughout the year. If a student does not perform well in internal examinations, the school is expected to provide remedial academic inputs and help the student improve performance. The school is required to justify and give exact reasons as per Examination Bye laws of the CBSE in case of any student not being allowed to appear in Board examination.
Q.6. Is the level of difficulty of Class 10 boards similar to the school exams conducted as part of the CCE?
Reply: The Board ensures that the design, blue print and difficulty level of both the examinations, whether conducted by school (under Scheme 1) or by the Board (under Scheme 2) will be the same.
Q.7. Please tell me about the common mistakes to avoid in the Class 12 physics board exam?
Reply: It is always better to write exact and to the point answers in order to save time. This will enable you to complete the paper within the allotted time. Do not forget to write SI units of physical quantities in numericals, particularly while writing the answer. Diagrams, ray diagrams and circuit diagrams need to be drawn properly and labeled. The answer to questions of five marks weightage needs to be written exactly in accordance with the language of the question.
Q.8. I am a PCM with computer science student who has not studied so far. Can you please guide me about how I can prepare in these last few weeks?
Reply: You may refer to the exact syllabus in the subject and prepare for the examination accordingly. Concentrate on using only one or two textbooks including NCERT textbook and avoid the use of many books at this stage. Referring to the previous years’ papers, particularly in relation to the typology of questions asked in the examination will be helpful. Try solving some numericals yourself and practise drawing diagrams in Physics, writing chemical equations in Chemistry and solving as many questions as possible in Mathematics.
Q.9. How does one determine the adequate word count while answering a subjective question in papers such as history, geography and political science?
Reply: Word limit is advised for the benefit of the student to save his/her time in order to complete the entire paper in given time. Unnecessary lengthy explanations do not fetch any extra marks. Hence the answer should restrict to what is asked for in the question.
Q.10. Please tell me about the common mistakes to avoid in the Class 12 geography board exam?
Reply: Geography subject cannot be learnt by rote learning. Conceptual understanding is very much important. Don’t mug up data, tables, and graphs or maps. Try to analyze entries made therein.Students usually commit the mistakes in following areas while answering their questions:
- Correct location and labeling of places on the outline maps provided with the Question paper.
- Reading the maps/ tables /diagrammes and correct interpretation of entries made therein.
- Knowledge of geographical terms such as isotherms, isobars and isohyets etc.and their difference.
- Understanding of geographical concepts on the basis of location of places with regard to Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn.
- Correlation between geographical phenomenon such as between climate and vegetation, effect of water bodies on climate, natural resources found in a region and the kind of possible development of that region etc.
Q.11. What is the procedure to reappear as a private candidate? Can one appear for the Class 10 and 12 exams without joining school at all?
Reply: Kindly refer to the procedure for submission of applications of private candidates provided in the Secondary Curriculum (pg 8-9) and the Senior School Curriculum (pg10-12) documents brought out by the Board for the Board Examination Year 2014.
'Private Candidate' means a person who is not a Regular Candidate but,under the provisions of the examination byelaws, is allowed to undertake and/or appear in the All India/Delhi Senior School Certificate Examination or All India/Delhi Secondary School Examination of the Board.A candidate who has failed to qualify at the All India/ Delhi Secondary School Examination /Senior School Certificate Examination of the Board will be eligible to reappear at the subsequent examination as a private candidate in the syllabi and text books as prescribed for the examination of the year in which he will reappear.
Similarly teachers serving in educational institutions affiliated to the
Board; and women candidates who are bonafide residents of the National Capital
Territory of Delhi and satisfy the following additional conditions are also
eligible to appear as private candidates:
(a) that they have privately pursued the prescribed course of study under proper guidance; and
(b) that they are unable to join a Secondary School affiliated to the Board or there are such other reasons compelling them to appear at the examinations as a private candidate.
For more details please refer to the Examination Bye Laws of the Board.
Q.12 Is it compulsory for a student to repeat the practical examination also if he/she fails in theory?
Reply: The candidate shall appear only in the theory part and his/her previous practical marks will be carried forward and accounted for if he/she has already cleared the practical.
Q.13. Does the Board provide any supplementary material for students preparing for Class 10 and Class 12 examinations?
Reply: For Class X, NCERT text books are
the only books prescribed by the Board. For Class XII, in addition to the NCERT/
CBSE Text books( in subjects where NCERT books are not available) prescribed by
the Board, Supplementary reading material has been developed by the Board in
Economics, Psychology, Philosophy, Business studies, Accountancy , Physics,
Chemistry and Mathematics.These supplementary material
are available on the CBSE website
Q.14. How many sets of question papers are distributed in examination hall in Board examination?
Reply: Three Question Paper sets.
Q.15. Will a student lose marks if he/she opts for Hindi as a medium for writing Class 12 board examination?
Reply: No. The students can give their answers in Hindi/ English medium.
Q.16. Are marks deducted for missing steps in the Mathematics Class 12 exam?
Reply: It is always better to write all
the steps and write the solution to the questions systematically. At times,
major steps in the solution are assigned separate marks in the Marking scheme. A
candidate may lose
marks if these specific steps are not written.
Q.17. If a candidate passes in the additional subject but fails in one of the main subjects, what will the result be like?
Reply: In respect of a candidate offering an additional subject, the following norms shall be applied:
- A language offered as an additional subject may replace a language in the event of a candidate not able to qualify in the same provided after replacement the candidate has English/Hindi as one of the languages;
- An elective subject offered as an additional subject may replace one of the elective subjects offered by the candidate. It may also replace a language provided after replacement the candidate has English/Hindi as one of the languages.
- Additional language offered at elective level may replace an elective subject provided after replacement, the number of languages offered shall not exceed two.
Q.18 What is the procedure followed in marking the answers?
Reply: Each answer is divided into steps and marks are given in accordance to the weightage assigned for these steps. It is advised that a copy of Marking Scheme be procured to get a clear idea
Courtesy: CBSE Academic