Class X Improvement of Performance Exam, July-2017
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Regular Candidates of CBSE affiliated schools who appeared in March 2017 [SA2 under Scheme- 2 (Board Based)] and placed in the category EIOP.
Note: In Class X there is only one chance of Improvement for the candidates who have been awarded EIOP in Mar 2017 Examination. In case a candidate of Mar 2017 with EIOP fails to clear the Jul 2017 examination and gets result NIOP, he/she will not get any further chance for Improvement. Such candidates however can appear afresh for March 2018 Examination with full subjects privately/through CBSE affiliated school.
Candidates who have already PASS in March 2017 Examination and intend to improve their performance should apply through Private/IOP online form during the month of Oct/Nov 2017.
Scheme |
Class-X Regular |
Delhi Scheme |
All India Scheme |
Foreign School Candidate |
12th June 2017 to 21st June 2017 (Without late fee) |
Fee for improvement of performance per subject |
200 |
200 |
1000 |
Late fee slab I (22nd - 24th June, 2017) |
Rs.500 |
Late fee slab II(25th - 27th June, 2017) |
Rs. 1000 |
Late fee slab III (28th – 30th June, 2017) |
Rs. 2000 |
Late fee slab IV (1st–3rd July, 2017) |
Rs. 5000 |
Steps for online Submission of List of candidates by schools for Compartment/IOP:
I. Generate list of candidates placed in Compartment from school login.
II. Select Roll No. and Subject (applicable only for class XII) of candidate who wants to appear in Compartment/IOP.
III. Finalise the selection and note down “Application ID” generated.
IV. Generate Challan and make payment in respective Bank
V. Generate Final list and Send duly signed and authenticated list to concerned Regional Office alongwith proof of depositing fee.
Mode of Payment of Fee:
A. For Schools located in India
After finalization of data School can deposit the cash in selected Branch of the Bank using E-Challan.
[Challan form generated from website will have validity of 02 days. Amount mentioned therein must be deposited within
02 days failing which fresh Challan will have to be generated which may attract late fee. Late Fee (per candidate) will be calculated as per the date of finalizing data.]
In case of Bank related transaction or non updation of Fee on server you should contact respective Bank of which e-challan form is printed. Contact details are as under:
Following may be informed to the bank while making communication with Bank:
Mode of Payment ,Fee Reference No., Amount deposited,Date of deposit, Branch of deposition, Bank reference number ( Transaction ID as reflected in Bank account),Your contact number
B. For Schools located Outside India
Schools can send the Fee through SWIFT to following account within 4 days of finalization of data:
Examination Fee through wire transfer mode.
Name of Beneficiary : SECRETARY CBSE EXAMINATION Beneficiary A/C Number: 50100047485825
Bank Name : HDFC Bank Ltd
Bank Address : Ground Floor,1-2-3,Laxmideep Building,LaxmiNagar,DistrictCenter,Vikas Marg,Delhi-110092,INDIA. Swift of Beneficiary: HDFCINBBDEL
IFSC/ RTGS Code of Beneficiary Bank: HDFC000120
In case of SWIFT related transaction or non updation of fee paid on server, school should contact HDFC Bank as detailed above.
1. Schools will be able to download Admit Cards from 2nd week of July 2017. In case of any discrepancy in the Admit card schools should contact concerned Regional Office of the Board.
2. Schools may also advice/direct the “Private Candidates” to apply online directly on the website of CBSE as per above schedule, whenever approached.
3. In case of any difficulty/queries regarding online submission, IT Unit of concerned Regional
Offices can be contacted as per enclosed list
4. Visually impaired candidates of all India/Delhi Scheme are exempted from examination fee of Class X
5. In class XII Consolidated marksheet will be issued only to Candidates whose result was declared COMPT in 2016/2017 examination and thereafter declared Pass in Compartment July 2017 examination.
6. Consolidated marksheet will not be issued to class XII candidates whose result is already Pass and now appearing for Improvement of Performance