CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Delhi Scheme Question Paper, Garment Construction

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CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Delhi Scheme

Question Paper, Garment Construction

CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 :   Garment Construction

State true or false. Attempt all questions.
1.Bundles are assembled in the cutting room.
2.Welt pocket is an in-seam pocket.
3. Lock stitch is reversible.
4. Blind stitch hemming machine works on lock stitch principle.
5. Yoke in a garment is always cut on the lengthwise grain.
Write very short answers :
6. Name two processes which can substitute the stitching process of garments.
7. Give two functions of flat bed sewing machine.
What are bar tacks and where are these used ?
8. Which width of fabric is commonly used for making trousers and why ?
9. What are the disadvantages of cutting the garment off-grain ?
10. How will you calculate the amount of fabric required for a pleated skirt ?
How will you calculate the fabric required for a Salwar ?

Write short answers in 50-75 words each :
11. Design a bundle ticket giving all details.
12. List various types of fusing machines. Give the specific purpose of each.
List various methods of making a buttonhole. What are the characteristics of a good buttonhole ?
13.Give the difference between lock stitch and chain stitch.
14. Explain safety over lock machine.
15. Classify pockets giving examples of each class.
Give the difference between bias facing and shaped shaping.

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Courtesy: CBSE