CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Beauty And Hair
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :
All India Scheme, Beauty And Hair
Time allowed : 2½ hours
Maximum Marks : 50
1. Long answer questions (attempt any three)
(a) Define bleaching and explain chemistry of bleaching.
(b) Name any two herbs used in coloring & explain their functions.
(c) Explain the difference between hair texture and hair density.
(d) Write the purpose of make-up. How will you determine the facial balance with make-up ? Explain.
2.Short answer questions (attempt any three)
(a) Name and describe two types of hair disorders.
(b) Name the different types and uses of foundation.
(c) Differentiate between Corrective make-up and Photographic make-up.
(d) Write the procedure of pre-disposition test with precautions.
3. Very short answer questions (attempt any seven)
(a) What is the use of witch hazel in cosmetics ?
(b) What are the reasons of hair loss ?
(c) What is melanin ?
(d) Why is a patch test important in hair coloring ?
(e) Enlist the primary and secondary colors.
(f) Describe the three types of side bonds.
(g) What are complementary colors ?
(h) Define elevation and describe the different effects it creates.
(i) Mention the causes of over-bleach.
4. Fill in the blanks : (attempt any twelve)
(i) Always use _______ cream around the clients hair line and ears prior to applying perming lotion.
(ii) Make-up is a treatment which changes ones _______.
(iii) _______ is used to remove the oil base cosmetics from the skin.
(iv) Abnormal hair loss is called _______.
(v) The two types of canities are _______ and _______.
(vi) _______ Make-up does not get dissolved in sweat or water particles.
(vii) Eyelash curlers temporarily _______ the eyelashes and make them appear longer.
(viii) _______ can be used to cover the wrinkles and lines.
(ix) Pediculosis capitis is the infestation of the hair and scalp with _______.
(x) Concave rods have a _______ circumference in the center and _______ circumference on the ends.
(xi) Evening make-up is seen in _______ light.
(xii) Ability of hair to absorb water is called _______.
(xiii) pH of hair and skin is _______.
(xiv) Basic body art is also known as _______.
(xv) Patch test should be done _______ prior to the hair colouring service.