CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Food Production
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :
All India Scheme, Food Production
CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Food Production (III)
Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 60
General Instructions :
(i) Read the paper carefully. All questions in each section are compulsory. Students may use bilingual media (Both English and Hindi) for writing, in which technical terms should be written in English medium.
(ii) Answer 1 mark questions in about 20 words or in one sentence.
(iii) Answer 2 marks questions in about 20-30 words.
(iv) Answer 3 marks questions in about 30-40 words.
(v) Answer 4 marks questions in about 70-80 words.
(vi) Answer 5 marks questions in about 100-120 words.
1. List two reasons pathogens can grow in leftovers.
2. What is coulis ? What is it used for ?
3. What is chinois and colander used for ?
4. What is a Timbale ?
5. Name any two Cephelopods.
6. Which two important ingredients are used in a Roux ?
7. What is Oil and Ham called in French ?
8. What is (Pat-tay) a Pâté ?
9. Name a protein and a mineral found in meat.
10.Name two classical appetizers made from fish.
11.What four instructions would you give to make Danish pastry ?
Explain the method of making a choux pastry.
12.What four factors should be considered while planning a kitchen of a hotel ?
13.Write four responsibilities of a larder chef.
14.Which four Molluscs are served in a restaurant ?
15. Explain Sweet Bread and a Tripe.
16. What four points will you keep in mind while selecting a lamb ?
Why is bleeding and flaying done ?
17. What four points would you consider while preparing garnishes for a salad ?
18. Why is it important to add baking soda and fat in a cake ?
Explain the sugar batter method of making cake.
19. Draw the layout plan of a wash up area of a large sized hotel.