CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Library Systems And Resource Management
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :
All India Scheme, Library Systems And Resource Management
Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 60
Instruction : Answer all questions.
SECTION – A (Essay Questions)
Answer the following questions in 40 lines each :
1.What is charging and discharging system in library ? Which is the Best charging / discharging system for a school library ?
What is acquisition ? Describe in details the procedure involved in acquisition of Reference Books.
2. What is digitization ? Which types of collection will you prefer for digitizing in your library and why ? Explain stepwise digitization procedure to be followed.
Explain the routine and function of Periodical section of a library.
SECTION – B (Short Questions)
Answer any five questions in 20 lines each.
3. What is smart class ? How it is different from traditional learning system ?
4. What is collection development ? What are the steps involved in collection development ?
5. What types of documents need to be weeded out from the library ?
6. Why there is a need of book reservation in libraries ? Explain what type of policy and procedure you will follow in your library for reservation.
7. Explain Ranganathan’s book selection theory.
8. What is Accession register ? Draw its columns.
9. Why users of the library are asked to leave the document on table once they have finished with reading ?
10. How does a catalogue help library use ?
11. If you are having problem in finding a document you require, which tools of the library will help you ? Explain.