CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Shorthand (English)
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :
All India Scheme, Shorthand (English)
CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Shorthand (English)
Time allowed : 2 hours
Maximum Marks : 30
Instructions : (i) Answer all questions.
(ii) Answers should be in English only, otherwise the answers will be cancelled.
(iii) Answers should be specific, to the point, with examples and Shorthand outlines.
Section – A
1. How is L hook attached to straight strokes ? Give the outline of Blue. 1
2. Give two outlines illustrating the use of a dot for the prefix ‘com’. 1
3. How will you represent ‘Party’ by intersecting strokes in colloquial phrases ? Give two examples. 1
4. What are contractions, give two examples. 1
5. How will you distinguish between the outlines for (i) Adapt and Adopt, (ii) Differ and Defer ?
6. Distinguish between the outlines for (i) Motion and Emotion (ii) Apposite and Opposite. 1
7. Differentiate between a grammalogue and a logogram. 1
8. Give two qualities of a phraseogram. 1
9. Give a list of four grammalogue signs. 1
10. Give four examples of the use of N hook in phraseography. 1
Section – B
11. Briefly explain the principle of halving the strokes. Give examples. 2
12. How are ‘mp’ and ‘mb’ represented in shorthand ? Give three examples. 2
13. For what purpose do we cut one stroke by another in same shorthand outlines ? Give three such outlines. 2
14. Write the following in shorthand : 2
(i) Three hundred
(ii) Four thousand
(iii) Five million
(iv) Five hundred million
15. Give outline for the following phrases : 2
(i) In view of the circumstances
(ii) Apart from the fact that the
(iii) I would like to know
(iv) In this connection
16. Give outlines for the following contractions : 2
(i) Investment
(ii) Incorporate
(iii) Certificate
(iv) Characteristic
Section – C
17. What is a suffix ? Give six outlines illustrating the use of a dot for suffixing. 4
Illustrate the use of ‘yard’, ‘ward’, ‘ship’ and ‘ly’ as suffixes by giving two words along with their shorthand outlines for each.
18. How are nasal consonants and vowels represented in shorthand ? Give examples. 4
Explain the rules governing the use of upward and downward R.