(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper (Philosophy) 2015
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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper (Philosophy) 2015
Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
General instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Question no. 1-14 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions
should not exceed 40 words each.
(iii) Question no. 15-28 are of 3 marks each. The answers to these questions
should not exceed 60 words each.
(iv) Question no. 29-33 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions
should not exceed 150
words each.
1. State the meaning of Purushartha. 2
2. Interpret Sakama Karma in your own words. 2
3. Define asteya. 2
4. In the eight-fold path of Budhism, how is ‘right action’ related to‘right living’? 2
5. Give any two arguments against or in favour of capital punishment. 2
6. Distinguish caste from class. 2
7. Discuss the importance of Human rights. 2
8. Give an argument in favour or against Divine Command Theory and justify it. 2
9. Define Utiliarinism. 2
10. Justify the importance of Appadharma appropriate at the time of calamity in your own words. 2
11. In your opinion what may be the causes (any two) of environmental degradation? 2
12. Why is naya not considered as a perfect knowledge? 2
13. State the Nyaya’s concept of God. 2
14. What is Cosmological Argument? 2
15. Explain the meaning of Rta. 3
16. Interpret the concept of Nishkama Karma in your own words. 3
17. State Budhist view of Panchsila. 3
18. Define categorical Imperative of Kant. 3
19. Discuss Altruistic or Gregorius instinct according to J.S.Mill. 3
20. What does Aristotle understand by eudaemonia? 3
21. ‘Women Empowerment’ is the need of hour. Show its relevance in today’s scenario. 3
22. Identify the major areas where human rights need to be addressed. 3
23. Write a note on the Argument from Design. 3
24. Briefly explain Descartes’ Mind-Body Dualism. 3
25. Discuss any three arguments given by nyaya for proving the existence of God. 3
26. Examine Ontological Argument for the existence of God. 3
27. Interpret Bhagvadgita’s view on the immortality of soul? 3
28. Describe problem of evil? 3
29. Explain and examine Aristotle view of virtue and well-being. 6
30. Write a critical essay on Kant’s moral philosophy. 6
31. Describe Vivekanand’s view on Religious Tolerance. 6
32. Discuss Dr Ambedkar’s view on caste and untouchability. 6
33. Explain the major postulates of Jaina theory of Syadvad.