(Download) ICSE: Class XII Syllabus - 2013 "SUPW"
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ICSE (Class XII)
Syllabus (2013)
Subject: Socially Useful Productive Work and Community Service (SUPW )
1. Understanding the New World Order
Spirituality, Science and Society:
- The co-relation and need for balanced appreciation for sustainable social order.
- The emergence of higher consciousness and higher spiritual commitments for meaningful living.
- Scientific dimensions of spirituality.
- Emerging society promoting contradictions and paradoxes.
North-South dialogue:
- Unequal distribution of economic wealth.
- Exploitation of world governance; instruments for enhancing the North-South divide.
- Labour practices in the creation of wealth. Child labour, women labour, bonded labour. Low wages and economic activity in India and a selected western country.
- Towards practices enhancing sustainability of world trade practices.
United Nation’s declaration for the rights of women, minorities and the child.
A critical understanding of the enshrined articles related to child, women and minorities rights.
2. Building People
Privatisation vs Nationalization.
The need for governments to govern and leave economic activities to the people; role of NGOs.
Generation of financial resources to meet governmental expenses.
Impact of privatisation on economic development with specific reference to Insurance, Telecommunications, Railways and Electricity.
3. Science and Technology
Animal and human aggression:
- Human and non-human signals of aggression.
- Weapons devised by man for offence and defence.
- Nuclear weapons, control on weapons manufacture, sale to foreign powers.
- Technology - does it make war more or less likely?
Science and Technology as change agents:
- Effect of scientific developments on our lives - at work and at home.
- Business on net – e-commerce, its feasibility and implications.
Cosmology and space research:
- Current theories about the origins of the universe.
- Probability of existence of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence.
Emergence of new technologies and their appreciation:
- Non-Digital and Digital technology.
- Communication technology.
- Information technology.
Biodiversity, Genetic Engineering and Cloning.
Ecology, exploitation of natural resources.
Interdependence of species and ecosystem and consequences of disturbing this equilibrium.
4. Dilemmas
Patent Laws and their implications.
Intellectual copyrights - ethical and moral dimensions.
Courtesy: cisce.org