CBSE Class-9 & Class-10 Syllabus 2017-18 : Languages-Japanese
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CBSE Class-9 & Class-10 Syllabus 2017-18
Subject: CBSE Class-9 & Class-10 Syllabus 2017-18 : Japanese
Time: 3 hrs. Marks: 80
A) Reading Comprehension Section: 20 marks
A:1 Reading comprehension of the short passages/ conversations/ stories related to syllabus.
Lessons 1-13 (unseen passages-3-4, MCQ)
Short answer questions 10x1 10 marks
MCQ (True or false/odd one out/ match the following 8x½ 04 marks
fill in the blanks) (Any 2) 6x½ 03 marks
A:2 Value based question related to syllabus (family, travel, manners, addressing elders,
using correct vocabulary for seniors while gifting, inviting etc) 1x3 03 marks
B) Writing Section: 20 marks
GENKOUYOUSHI (japanese essay/letter writing sheets) TO BE PROVIDED
Simple paragraph/essay writing on the topics “My family”, “My Weekend”,
“My School” in about 350 characters, (any 2 / 3 for final exam).
Letter to your grandfather talking about your Japanese language studies and a school / family trip in about 300-350 characters.
Complete dialogues, written passages (choice words, incomplete passages/
conversations to be given related to syllabus). Criteria assessment of the writing section :
Marks for Logical cohesion and construction, Marks for use of correct grammar and vocabulary – (excellent/very good/good/limited/ poor).
Marks for correct usage of genkouyoushi .
No marks to be deducted for spelling mistakes.
C) Grammar Section: 20 marks
Based on the prescribed textbook (Lessons 1-13)
All particle, counters, verbs conjunctions, demonstrative pronouns, place, adverb, idioms and vocabulary, animate, inanimate, verb conjugations, tenses, verb meanings, giving/ recieving, adjectives, question words, desire, comparisons.
D) Script KANJI 20 marks
1st 6 chapters of NIHONGO CHALLENGE BOOK (kanji 1-60 N 5) Must be able to read and write all kotoba listed in the book with the kanji
Courtesy: CBSE