(Paper) Social Science Sample Paper Class X - 2000 - Part - II

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Social Science Class  - X  
Sample Paper 2000 (Part - II)



Q. What is meant by `Civilising Mission'? (2)

Q. What two conditions, according to Lenin, were necessary to make the Russian revolution a success? (2)

Q. Which were the countries that followed the policy of appeasement? Why did they follow this policy? (2)

Q. In the 18th Century, in India, Social and religious reform movements were linked with each other. Give reasons for the same? (2)

Q. Give an account of the Pan Slav Movement. How did it lead to the First World War? (4)


Q. Describe the effects of the First World War on Turkey? (4)

Q. Account for the rise of fascism in Italy after the First World War? (4)


Q. Trace the changes that have taken place in South Africa in recent times? (4)

Q. What is meant by `Cutting of Chinese Melon'? (2)

Q. What was the condition of the Non-Russian minorities in Russia before the Russian revolution ? (2)

Q. Mention the reasons for conflict in the Balkan Region? (4)


Q. Mention the reasons behind U.S.A.'s entry into the First World War? (4)

Q. Trace in brief the nationalist movement in Turkey between the two world wars? (4)


Q. After the Second World War, why did the newly independent countries of Asia and Africa choose to remain non-aligned? 4)


Q. Explain the inequalities faced by Indian women ? (3)

Q. Suggest any three measures to remove economic inequality in India? (3)

Q. Explain the importance of electronic mass media today? (3)

Q. Distinguish between direct and indirect democracy? (3)


Q. Name major vegetation regions to which babul and teak trees belong. Name two endangered species of wild life. Write briefly two characteristics of alluvial soils? (1+1+1=3)

Q. Name major vegetation regions to which dateplam and mahogany trees belong. Name two projects which were established to protect endangered species of wild life. Give two characteristics of laterite soils ?(1+1+1=3)

Q. Name the longest irrigation canal of the world built in North-West India. How is it a boon to the people of that region? Give one point. Northern plains are densely populated. Write one reason for it? (1+1+1=3)

Q. In which hemisphere does India lie with reference to Prime Meridian? Mention the value of the Standard
Meridian of India. How did northern plains come to existence? Write 3 Points briefly? (1/2+1/2+3=4)

Q. Write two conventional sources of irrigation. How are underground water and surface water complementary to each other. Write briefly one point. Give one reason why coastal plains are densely populated? (1+1+1=3)

Q. Name the hemisphere India belongs to with reference to equator. Mention latitudinal value of tropic of cancer. Write 3 characteristics of Ganga Brahmaputra Delta. (1/2+1/2+3=4)


Q. Why is `Credit' necessary in agriculture? Write 3 points in brief? (3 x 1 = 3)

Q. How far land tenure system is responsible for the backwardnss of Indian agriculture? (3 x 1 =3)