(Paper) Class - XII Sample Paper Biotechnology 2008 - 2
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Class - XII Sample Paper Biotechnology (Set - 2) 2008
Paper – 2008
Subject - Biotechnology
Time: 3Hrs
Max. marks: 70
All questions are
1. Name two diseases caused by the absence of a protein. Thallasaemia,
2. Name the phenomenon of invitro heat treatment of meristem.
3. What is the single letter IUPAC code for?
4. In which phase specific growth rate is measured in microbial culture?
5. What is source of Tag polymerase?
6. Who first developed the protein sequencing method? Name the protein to be sequence first. Sanger. Isulin was the 1st protein 2 b sequenced.
7. What is a restriction enzyme? Write the types of restriction enzyme. Those enzymes which restrict the growth of any forein body [virus, DNA] in a bacterial cell are called restriction enzymes.
8. An E.coli cell produces at least 1000 different proteins. One of these is an enzyme of interest produced at a level of 2000 molecules per cell under optimum condition. If we have to purify 1g of this intracellular enzyme estimate how many cells of bacteria will be required theoretically. Given mass of enzyme of interest is 100000 Dalton.
9. What is DNA micro array technology? What is the importance of this technology?
10. What is downstream processing? Write the steps of isolation of extra cellular microbial metabolites?
11. Explain the method of producing transgenic plant with delayed fruit ripening.
12. T-cells reject transplants. How is kidney transplantation successfully done? OKT3
13. How does Agro bacterium tumifaciens transfer the desired gene in to plants?
14. What do you mean by non covalent interaction? Name the 4 types of non covalent interaction.
15. What are DNA library & genomic library?
16. What are the principles between isoelectric focussing & SDS PAGE technique? Why is two dimensional electrophoresis better than one dimensional electrophoresis?
17. Differentiate between the characteristics of normal cells & cancerous cells?
18. Suggest 3 methods of preserving microbial strains.
19. What is the principle of MALDI-TOF? What is its main use in protein studies?
20. What are data retrieval tools? Write entrez map showing the hard link relationship between database?
21. What does PCR stands for? What are the different steps in PCR reaction?
22. Define the following:
a. Bioremediation.
b. Plasmid.
c. Database.
23. What is site directed mutagenesis? Indicate its application?
24. A bacterial culture containing 100cells increased its population to one billion in 10 hours. Determine
a. The no. of generations.
b. The generation time.
25. What is micro projectile bombardment? What advantage does this process have in vector less gene delivery?
26. Describe the structure function relationship in proteins giving example of chymotrypsin or sickle cell anemia?
27. What are cloning vectors? Give an illustrated account of different bacterial plasmid as cloning vectors?
28. What is gene prediction & gene counting? Write gene prediction algorithms.
Write short note on
a. Nick translation
b. SNPs.