CBSE Class XII Business Studies Guess Paper : 2011

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Guess Paper – 2011
Class – XII
Subject -Business Studies


Q. “Sound financial management is the key to the prosperity of business.” Explain.

Q. Explain any six factors affecting the financing decision of a company.

Q. Explain any six factors affecting the dividend decision of a company.

Q. What is meant by financial management? State any two investment decision taken by a financial manager.

Q. What is required to tackle the uncertainty in respect of availability and timings of funds? Name the concept involved and explain any three points of its importance.

Q. What is meant by capital structure of a company? Describe the factors that determine the capital structure of a company.

Q. Explain the term ‘Trading on Equity’. Why, When, and how it can be used by a business organization?

Q. Explain briefly the factors determining the amount of fixed capital.

Q. What is meant by working capital? How is it calculated? Discuss five important determinants of working capital requirements.

Q. What is financial market? Explain the functions of financial market.

Q. What is meant by ‘Treasury Bill’ and ‘Trade Bill’?

Q. What is meant by ‘Primary Market’? Briefly explain the concept of ‘Right Issue of Existing Companies’.

Q. Difference Between capital market and money market.

Q. What is meant by ‘stock exchange’? briefly explain any three of its functions.

Q. Explain the objectives of National Stock Exchange of India.

Q. Difference between NSEI AND OTCEI.

Q. State any four protective functions of SEBI.

Q. What is meant by the ‘Product Concept’ of marketing?

Q. Explain any four function of marketing.

Q. Explain, in brief, the factors on which the choice of channels of distribution depend.

Q. What is meant by packaging? Give any five points explaining why packaging is important.

Q. Explain in brief any three qualities of a good brand name.

Q. Explain briefly the benefits of advertising to manufacturers and society.

Q. ’Advertising encourages sale of inferior products’ and ‘advertising confuses rather than helps’ do you agree? Give reasons.

Q. Advertising and personal selling both are communication tools used by the marketers to promote their products. Yes they differ in their approach. Differentiate between the two by giving any six differences.

Q. Explain briefly any six techniques of Sales Promotion.Q. Giving any six points, explain the importance of consumer protection in India.

Q. Explain, in brief, any six remedies available to consumers under consumer protection act 1986.

Q. Explain any four ways and means of consumer protection followed in India.


Q.”Management is multidimensional.” Explain with a diagram.

Q. Explain survival, profit and growth as the organizational objectives of management.

Q. “Management is the process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives in a changing environment.” In the light of this statement, explain briefly the characteristics of management.

Q. Explain the objectives of management.

Q. Explain any five features/characteristics of management.

Q. “Management is an art of getting things done through others.” Explain the importance of management in the light of this statement.

Q. Explain any three functions of top level management and supervisory level management.

Q. Explain briefly the importance features of management as a profession.

Q. Is management an exact science? Explain.

Q. “Coordination is the process of achieving unity of action among inter-dependent activities and departments of an organisation.” Explain the nature of coordination in the light of this statement.

Q. Explain briefly with its two positive & two adverse effects of 14 principles of HENRY FAYOL.

Q. State any four points highlighting the significance of principles of management

Q. Define “Scientific Management”. How do the techniques of scientific management improve productivity of workers?

Q. Explain ‘Functional Foremanship’ as a technique of scientific management.

Q. Explain the principles of scientific management given by Taylor.

Q. Explain, in brief, any six features of planning.

Q. Explain by giving any six reasons why planning is important?

Q. Is planning necessary for effective management? Give reasons.

Q. Explains the term ‘business environment’ and discusses the impact of economic environment on business.

Q. What is the impact of political environment on business? Discuss.

Q. Explains the impact of government’s industrial policy on business.

Q. Explains, in brief, any three economic changes that have been initiated by the government of India since 1991.

Q. Explain any five positive /negative impact of liberalization and globalization on business and industry in India.

Q. Explain any six limitation of planning.

Q. “Planning is a continuous process.” State and explain the various steps of planning process.

Q. Why is organising considered an important function of management? Give any six reasons.

Q. Distinguish between formal & informal organisation on the basis of:
• Flow of communication
• Authority
• Origin
• Leadership
• Nature
• Behaviour

Q. Explain in brief any six points which highlight the importance of decentralisation in an organisation.

Q. State three advantages and three disadvantages of functional organisational structure.

Q. State three advantages and three disadvantages of divisional organisational structure.

Q. Distinguish between functional & divisional organisation on the basis of:
• Formation
• Specialisation
• Responsibility
• Managerial development
• Cost
• Coordination

Q. State three advantages and disadvantages of formal organisation.

Q. State three advantages and disadvantages of informal organisation.

Q. “Delegation is the entrustment of responsibility and authority to another and the creation of accountability for performance.” Explain the element of delegation in the light of this statement.

Q. why is staffing an important function of management in all organisations? Explain in brief any six reasons.

Q. Explain in brief the steps involved in staffing process.

Q. Explain in brief any six external sources of recruitment of employees.

Q. What is meant by ‘Recruitment of Employees’? State two internal

Q. Define staffing process. What are the various steps involved in it?

Q. Briefly explain the procedure for selection of employees.

Q. Explain ‘Vestibule training’, ’Job rotation’, ’Internship’ and ‘Apprenticeship programme’ as methods of training.

Q. Explain the term ‘Training’. Why is training needed in an organisation? Give any four reasons.

Q. Define Human Resources Management (HRM). Explain the scope of HRM.

Q. Difference between “Training” and “Development” on the basis of:-
• Purpose
• Level of trainees involved
• Scope of learning
• Depth of knowledge imparted
• Initiative in learning
• Duration

Q. Explain briefly any six principles of directing function of management.

Q. Explain the role and functions of a supervisor in an organisation.

Q. Explain with diagram the motivation process. Give an example also.

Q. Explain Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation.

Q. Explain briefly the common barriers of effective communication.

Q. Explain the function of a leader in an organisation.

Q. Explain briefly any six measures to overcome the barriers of communication.

Q. What do you mean by grapevine communication? Explain its two types along with diagram?

Q. Explain the various steps involved in the process of control.

Q. Explain the importance of controlling in an organisation.

Q. Discuss the relationship between planning and controlling.

Q. Explain ‘Budgetary control’ as a technique of managerial controlling.

Q. Explain briefly the importance of consumer protection from the point of view of business.

Q. Explain briefly any six regulations which provide legal protection to consumers in India.

Q. Explain briefly the ways and means of consumer protection in India.

Q. Explain the role of the consumer organisation and NGOs in consumer protection.

Q. State any three rights and three responsibilities of a consumer.