(Info) AIEEE 2008 : Instructions for Filling the Form
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(AIEEE - 2008) Instructions for Filling the Form
The candidate seeking admission to the AIEEE is required :-
i) To go through the Information Bulletin carefully and acquaint
with all the requirements.
ii) To satisfy eligibility to appear in the examination.
iii) To send the application on the prescribed Application Form
complete in all respect or submit it online.
iv) To write complete mailing address with Postal Pin Code in the
Application Form in the capital letters only.
v) To fill in the Application Form in own handwriting in BLOCK
LETTERS in English only, using blue/black ball point pen, within the prescribed
boxes. Use blue/black ball point for darkening the appropriate circle (s) also.
vi) To write amount of additional fee, Bank Draft/Demand draft
No, date and Bank code properly if applying for B E/B Tech and
B Arch/B Planning together, or opted centre at foreign country.
The Application Form duly filled in should be sent to THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY
EXTENSION, PATPARGANJ NEW DELHI – 110092 in the printed envelop supplied by
the Board so as to reach positively by 10.01.2008. The Application Form will
not be received personally in any case. The candidate must retain photocopy
of his/her filled in Application Form for future correspondence, if required.
ix) The last date for receipt of Application Form by Registered/Speed Post (NOT BY COURIER) is 10.01.2008. Thereafter 15 days grace time for receipt of Application Form up to 25.01.2008 will be allowed to the candidates belonging to remote areas viz. Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi sub division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep
x) If
a candidate submits more than one Application Form, his/her candidature shall be
liable to be cancelled and debarred for future examination(s).
xi) (a) For S. Nos. 1, 2 & 3 of the Application Form :- Candidate should write his/her name, mother’s name, father’s name in capital letters as given in Class X Certificate of Board/University. Each letter should be filled in one box as shown below. One box should be left blank between each part of the name. Before filling in the Application Form, write on a plain paper and verify the correctness of spellings.
Candidate’s Name : Raj Bala
R |
E |
E |
N |
A |
R |
A |
I |
Name: Rama Devi
R |
O |
M |
A |
D |
E |
V |
I |
Name: Niranjan Kumar
M |
U |
K |
E |
S |
H |
K |
U |
M |
A |
R |
(1) Please note : For S No 4 to 10,12,13 & 17 of the Application Form : In
case of discrepancy in written code and darkened circle, code written in the
box(es) shall be taken as final without any correspondence.
(2) For S No 4 to 7,9 &12 of the Application Form :-
Write appropriate Code and darken the appropriate circle as applicable for the
► |
Choice of Examination Centre (Please see Appendix VI ) |
► |
Code of Eligibility |
► |
Sex |
► |
Nationality |
► |
Question Paper Medium |
► |
Category |
(c) For S No 8 of the Application Form :In case of girl candidate if you are only child of your parents i.e. no brother or sister write 1 in box and darken circle Yes. Otherwise write 2 in the box darken circle No.
(d) For S No 10 of the Application Form i.e. Date of Birth : Write and darken the appropriate circle for the date, month and year of birth as per English calendar and as recorded in the Secondary Education Board/ University Certificate.
numerals 01 to 31 for the date, 01 to 12 for the month and last two digits for
the year of birth as shown below.
e.g. 3rd October,
November, 1985
Date |
Month |
Year |
For S No 11,14, 15 and 16 of the Application Form : Darken
the appropriate circle (s) as applicable for the following:-
► |
Place of residence |
► |
School Board of Class-XII |
► |
Type of Institution of Class-XII |
► |
Mode of preparation |
(f) For S No 13 of the Application Form :Write
appropriate code from the following:-
Code |
If Physically Handicapped |
1 |
If Not |
2 |
(g) For S No 17 of the Application Form i.e. Courses Applying for
: Write appropriate Code and darken the appropriate circle as applicable
from the following:
B E / B TECH only |
1 |
B ARCH only |
2 |
B E /B TECH and B ARCH (Both) |
3 |
(h) For S. No. 18 of the Application Form :The candidate should affix the left hand thumb impression.
For S. No. 19, 20 and 21 of the Application Form : Write
appropriate code as applicable for the following:-
► |
Percentage of Marks (rounded off to the nearest integer) obtained in Class X and Class XII (if passed) |
► |
Year of passing/appearing Class XII (This information must be supplied otherwise application will be rejected) |
► |
Father’s / Guardian’s / Mother’s Educational Qualifications |
► |
Father’s / Guardian’s / Mother’s Occupation S. No. 21 |
► |
Father’s / Guardian’s / Mother’s Annual Income |
(j) For S No 22 and 24 of the Application Form i.e. E-mail address: Write
your complete e-mail address & telephone No , if available.
(k) For S No 23 of the Application Form i.e. Mailing Address: Write your name and complete mailing address IN CAPITAL LETTERS including the PIN CODE at which the communication is to be sent.
(l) For S. No. 25 - Please fill up details of additional fees to be paid in case applying for both B E/B Tech & B Arch / B Planning (together) or opting examination centre in foreign country. In case of payment of additional fees of Rs 200/- please affix 0 before the amount i.e.
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
State Code of Eligibility of the candidates:
(i) State Code of eligibility means the Code of the State from where
a candidate has passed +2 examination by virtue of which he/she becomes eligible
to appear in the AIEEE for admission to B E / B Tech and B Arch /
B Planning Courses of the institutions / Colleges of the States / UT.
Due to creation of new States of Chattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttaranchal, certain
places/institutions of Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh from where the
candidates have passed their +2 examination have now come within the
jurisdiction of the newly created states. The candidates are, therefore,
requested to fill in the State Code of eligibility as per the present
jurisdiction of the respective States.
(ii) Indian nationals passing the equivalent qualifying examination
from any institution abroad, the State of Eligibility will be determined on the
basis of permanent address given in the Passport of the candidate.
Andaman & Nicobar Islands |
01 |
Andhra Pradesh |
02 |
Arunachal Pradesh |
03 |
Assam |
04 |
Bihar |
05 |
Chandigarh |
06 |
Chhattisgarh |
07 |
Dadra & Nagar Haveli (UT) |
08 |
Daman & Diu (UT) |
09 |
Delhi (NCT) |
10 |
Goa |
11 |
Gujarat |
12 |
Haryana |
13 |
Himachal Pradesh |
14 |
J ammu & Kashmir |
15 |
J harkhand |
16 |
Karnataka |
17 |
K erala |
18 |
Lakshadweep (UT) |
19 |
Madhya Pradesh |
20 |
Maharashtra |
21 |
Manipur |
22 |
Meghalaya |
23 |
Mizoram |
24 |
Nagaland |
25 |
Orissa |
26 |
Pondicherry (UT) |
27 |
Punjab |
28 |
Rajasthan |
29 |
Sikkim |
30 |
Tamil Nadu |
31 |
Tripura |
32 |
Uttar Pradesh |
33 |
Uttaranchal |
34 |
West Bengal |
35 |
(n) Photograph:
Firmly affix two recent high contrast
passport size preferably black & white photograph (taken on or after
1.9.2007) with gum/ fevicol (not to be pinned or stapled) in the space provided
for it in the Application Form one duly attested by the head of the institution
where the candidate is studying/passed class XII or the Gazatted officer. The
photograph must indicate clearly the name of the candidate along with the date
of taking the photograph. It should be without cap or goggles. Spectacles are
allowed. Polaroid photos are not acceptable. The photograph of
the candidate should be attested by the Principal/Head of the Institution or
Gazetted Officer in such a way that part of the signature is on the photograph
and remaining part of the signature is on the application form. Attestation
should be done on the bottom part of the photograph so that the photograph is
not defaced. Candidates not complying with these instructions or with unclear
photograph are liable to be rejected. Candidates may keep 6-8 identical
photographs in reserve for use at the time of entrance examination/ Counseling /
(o) Request for change or correction of any information, once given in the Application Form, shall not be entertained under any circumstances. The board will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of non acceptance of any correction/addition/deletion in any particular once filled in the application form whatsoever the reasons may be.
For more Information you can contact :-
Assistant Secretary (AIEEE Unit)
Central Board of Secondary Education
PS 1-2, Institutional Area
IP Extension, Patparganj
Delhi 110 092
Telephone: 011-22246087
011-22239177-80 (Ext 110, 151 & 157)
Fax: 011-22246095
Courtesy : Indiaresults.com