CBSE Invites Trainers For CCE
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The Central Board of Secondary Education would like to initiate training of trainers to develop a band of qualified and competent trainers in CCE.
Suitable and qualified trainers are requested to apply. The selected lot of teachers will be identified and contacted by the CBSE. The programme details as well as training the trainer concept will be finalized later.
The Board requests principals / senior teachers / counselors from schools affiliated to the Board to apply provided they fulfill the following conditions.
The process of application and selection will be through applying online which may be submitted in the proforma given below:
My Identity as a Teacher:
Name/Age: ……………………………………………………………………
Complete Address of the school: ………………………………….……………………………….……………………...
Number: ………………….
Landline No: …………………..
Email address: ………………………………………
2. Professional Qualifications:
- MA/M.Phil in Psychology or M.Phil in Education / M.Ed./M.A./M.Sc. in Education, preferably with background in Mental Measurement and Psychometry
- Years of teaching experience : A minimum of 05 years
- Skills required: Excellent communication skills with positive outlook
- ICT friendly and ability to work in a technological environment
- Willingness to travel mostly within the region
- Ability to accept challenges and work within constraints of time and space.
3. List out three ways in which you can motivate Teachers.
Signature of the teacher:__________________________
* To be filled in and returned to the following address:
Courtesy: CBSE.NIC.IN