CBSE Class-9 Syllabus 2018-19 (Work Education)

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CBSE Class-9 Syllabus 2018-19

(Work Education)

Course Content

The content of Work Education comprises of three categories, i.e.,
A. Self-help Activities: A programme for the satisfaction of day-to day needs of the students and their families.
B. Community Out-reach Activities: A programme for sensitization of the students towards their responsibility to satisfy the community needs.
C. Pre-vocational Skill Development Activities: This is the most important programme as it is designed to prepare the students for the world of work. However, the actual selection of activities/projects/pre- vocational courses by school would depend upon the availability of natural, physical and human resources in the locality, the socioeconomic background of the community and the needs and interests of the students.

Work education is a distinct curricular area for students for participation in social, economic and welfare activities. Student gets a sense of community service and develops self-reliance. Schools should promote Work Education Activities for holistic development of the student. These activities are to be graded on a 5-point grading scale (AtoE) and will have no descriptive indicators. No upscaling of grades will be done. The grading is to be done by the concerned teacher facilitating the activity.

The total number of periods for performance of the work education activities should
be approximately 120 periods for two years at the secondary stage.



  Total Weightage

Total Periods


Self-help Activities 2


B Community Outreach Activities 3


C Pre-vocational Skill Development


  TOTAL 10 points = A grade

60 periods

A. Self-help Activities

Out of the list of activities given below for the Secondary School stage any three are to be completed in class IX and remaining three in class X.
1. First aid activities like counting of pulse, taking of temperature and bandaging of wounds after cleaning them.
2. Preparation of family budget and maintenance of daily household accounts.
3. To be able to know and procure transport facilities from one point to another using online resources or cooperation with local authorities such as Panchayat.
4. Understanding the basic traffic rules and helping traffic police in the regulation of traffic.
5. Helping school authorities in organizing exhibitions, picnics, tours and excursions, school functions, etc.

6. Basic cooking activities.
The total number of periods for performance of the Self-Help activities may be 20 periods for two years at the secondary stage

B. Community Outreach Activities
Out of the list of activities given below choose any two activities, one is to be completed
in class IX and another in class X.
1. Studying the nutrition and health status of people in a village/city/slum/tribal area.
2. Helping in community health programmes for enhancing the nutrition, health and environmental status of the community through door-to-door contact programmes.
3. Volunteer work in hospitals and fairs, during natural disasters and accident, etc.
4. Activities related to sensitization towards needs of differently abled and elderly persons.
5. Activities related to sensitization towards weaker sections of society.
6. Participation in cleanliness drives in schools, community and neighborhood areas.
7. Participation in adult literacy programme.
8. Plantation and care of shady/fuel/ornamental/avenue trees.
The total number of periods for performance of the Community-Outreach activities may be 40 periods for two years at the secondary stage

C. Pre-vocational Skill Development Activities
Work practice at this stage is to take the form of projects with sequential activities in respect of vocations in the production or service sectors. Intensive projects/prevocational courses in diverse need and occupational areas, to be pursued over a span of time ranging from a few months to the entire two-years duration of the Secondary stage, are clearly the answer for this requirement. Such projects/pre-vocational courses are intended to lead to intensive skill formation and proficiency in work which would be conducive to increased productivity and capacity on the part of students to engage in work which enables them to earn while they learn. This emphasis on intensive skill formation is meant to provide a pre-vocational base to the work education programme at this stage and also to serve as ground preparation for the world for those students who terminate their studies after Class X. For those who continue their education at the Senior School Stage, these pre-vocational courses will serve as preparation for vocational courses at the +2 stage.

The total number of periods for performance of the Pre-vocational Skill Development activities may be 60 periods for two years at the secondary stage Choose any two activities of the following: one is to be completed in class IX and another in class X.


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Courtesy: CBSE

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