(Tips) Strategies Before The Examinations
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Strategies Before The Exam
First of all a student should sit
down and realistically make a plan on how he is going to revise the whole
syllabus in the remaining time. A proper schedule should be there stating the
topics that have to be covered along with the time frame. The strategy here
should be that of facing our fears. There are certain topics that a student is
scared of or fears. He should revise those topics first so that he starts
feeling comfortable otherwise they would keep on nagging your mind and not let
you feel confident about your preparation.
Look at the pattern of last 4-5 years and put more time on topics that carry
more weightage.
After you have finished revising a
particular topic, do those questions on that topic that you had previously done
when you did this topic for the first or the second time. These questions may be
your assignment and tests that your teacher or institute had provided and the
extra questions that you may have done from any book. Here you should emphasis
on questions that were not able to do the first time, that you did wrong in the
test or assignment. The philosophy is simple. The questions that you were able
to do the first time were simple questions and you would be able to do those
questions in the exam as well. But questions that you were not able to do would
have been difficult ones which you might not be able to do even in the exam. So
all of these questions should be actually solved by you after revision and it
would help developing a deeper understanding of the topics also.
Courtesy : CBSEpapers.info