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Sample Paper - 2008 
Class – X
Subject – 
Computer Application


NOTE : This paper is divided into two Sections. Answer all Questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in [].

SECTION A(40 Marks)
Attempt all questions.

Question 1. [10]
a) Name any two library packages.
b) State two main features of an Object Oriented Programming language.
c) What is meant by a user defined data type?
d) Show the use of logical operator && with an example.
e) Explain the term - “pass by reference”.

Question 2. [10]
a) Give an example of Syntax error.
b) How is I/O Exception helpful in handling I/O errors?
c) Differentiate between indexOf() and valueOf() methods.
d) What is the scope of the keyword protected in accessing methods?

e) Find the output of z:
int y = 14;
int z = ++y * (y– + –y);

Question 3.
a) Using an example, show how the switch statement works. [2]
b) Write an expression for the following: [2]
f = —— - d

c) Pick out the errors and correct them in the given code fragment: [2]
class PickCode
{ private char ch;
private boolean n;
{ ch= ‘C’;
n == true;

d) What are input and output streams? [2]

e) How is String implemented? [2]

f) Write the output for the following statements:[2]
String strl =”Java is Fun”;
String str2 = “amytime”;

g) Rewrite the program segment using multiple if-construct. [2]
if(n%2==0 && n>35 && n<67) {
rem=n%10; }
h) Create an object for a class Park. [2]
i) What is a parameterized constructor? [2]
j) What is the use of static in the main method? [2]

SECTION-B [60 Marks]
Attempt any four questions from this Section. The answers in this Section should consist of the Program in BlueJ environment with Java. Each program should be written in using Variable descriptions/Mnemonic Codes such that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flow charts and Algorithms are not required.

Question 4.
Define a class Book Store having the following specifications:
Data Member: Name of the book, author, publication and cost.
Member Methods:
(i) To accept the book details
(ii) To calculate the discount of 13.5% given on all books.
(iii) To display the book details.
Using a main method and an object. call the above methods

Question 5.
Write a program in Java to accept a string and display the new string after removing all the vowels from the string.
Sample Input: Computer Applications with BlueJ
Sample Output: Cmptr pplctns wth BlJ

Question 6.
Write a program to accept numbers in a 4×4 matrix, then print the all prime numbers present in the matrix with array Index value.
16 15 1 2
6 4 10 14
9 8 12 5
3 7 11 13
2 0 3
3 3 0
5 2 3
7 3 1
11 3 2
13 3 3

Question 7.
A class Sort contains an array of 50 integers. Some of the member functions/data members are given below:
Class name Sort 
Data members/instance variables 
arr[] integers 
item number to be searched for in the array 
Member functions/methods 
void inpdata() to input 50 integers.
void bubsort() to sort the array in ascending order using the bubblesort technique and to display the sorted list.
void binsearch() to input item and search for it using the binary search technique, if found to print the item searched and its position in the sorted list, otherwise to print an appropriate message.
Specify the class Sort giving the details of the functions void inpdata(), void bubsort() and void binsearch(). The main function need not be written.

Question 8.
Write a menu driven class to accept a number and check whether it is 
a) Palprime number – [a number is a palindrome and a prime number Eg. 101]
b) Armstrong number – [Sum of the cubes of the digits = number Eg. 153]

Question 9.
Write a program to find the sum of the given series.